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Show THE UTAH BUDGET i A home for aned women will bo es- tabllahed In Salt Lake April 1. by the 1 Sarah Daft Home association, i Roland Lee, for aeveral yeara a ' tnall carrier In Salt Lake, haa been arrested on a charge of having stolen a registered letter entrusted to bis care. The number of persona in atate, county and municipal service la 4,910, exclualve of the state militia, comprising com-prising 3G5 men. Of this number 4,-41 4,-41 are men, 474 women and 21 chll dren. The total number of teachers lu the public, schools of the state la approx Imately 2.300. The number of professors pro-fessors and instructors In the sectarian sectar-ian schools of the atate is approximately approxi-mately 400. Three pioneers who were present when the Mormons passed the winter of 1847 at Winter Quarters, Neb., attended at-tended the monthly meeting of the Utah Genealogical society In Salt Lake last week. With more than 200 delegatea from different parts of the state In attendance, attend-ance, the second annual convention of the Associated Boya' clulia ol I tab was opened In the Ogden high school March 15. The Jury In the caso of the State vs. Reuben Dowdle. a farmer ol Sprlngvllle, charged with having sown wild oats and weeds on lands belonging belong-ing to bis neighbors, failed to agree find was discharged. ' A formal proclamation by Governor William Upry declaring about six hundred corporations of the atate d linquent taxes and subject to revocation rev-ocation of their licenses April 1 will be Issued In a few days. The number of officers and employes em-ployes In all services of the counties of the state on February 1, 1912, was 1.34S men, 181 women and twenty five children. Thlii Includes Justices ol the peace and constables. An accident occurred at N'eplil, which resulted In the death of Leonard Leon-ard Pitt, a resident of that place. The accident happened in the gypsum quarry adjacent to the plaster mill, Pitt being killed by falling rock. In attempting to cross the mountain moun-tain range above Bingham, two miners, min-ers, Michael Shannon and James Donovan, became lost In the unow and suffered such terrible hardships that Shannon died the next day. The finance committee of the Trans Mississippi Commercial congress con-gress met in Salt Lake last week and outlined plans fur raising the $7. HOC necessary to cover tne expenses ol the congress to be bffd In Salt Lake . Following a comparatively brief "period of falling health, Henry Clay Wallace, alxty-seven years old, cashier of the Halt Lake Brewing company and a pioneer of t'tah since 18CS, died at his home in Salt Lake on Sunday. Vtch will receive no more elk from the Jackson Hole country thla year. With the advent of spring there will be pelnty of feed in the Wyoming country for the elk and no effort will be made to move them until snow fliea next year. William A. Bringhiirst, bishop of bis county for thirty-eight years, died at Toquerville, March 15. of Bright' disease, with which he haa been suffering suf-fering three years. He la survived by twenty-five imprlng, most of whom live In Toquerville. More than 400 pounds of bu'ter have been condemned and sent back to the creameries for repacking hy the state pure food officers, who found a shortage of weight In the packages in which the condemned butter was contained. An automobile ran Into a fire hydrant hy-drant In Ogden. snapping the hydrant off even with the sidewalk, creating a miniature, geyser which flooded the streets for nearly an hour before It was shut off. The automobile was damaged but slightly. M. P. Smithson, a former Confederate Confed-erate soldier who fought under the leadership of "Figh'ting Joe" Wheelet during the war of the rebellion and whose father waa an officer In the Revolutionary war, died at hla borne in Mllford last week at the advanced age fit 97. Lester Snow Young, aged 24, suicided sui-cided In the bathroom in his home In Salt Lak", by shooting himself In the breast. Heart trouble which had caused Insomnia and had contributed to violent pains in the head, is be-lieved be-lieved to have left the young man In a fit of despondency. There were 201 deaths In Ctah during dur-ing February, according to the monthly bulletin issued by the state board of health. Pneumonia contributed contrib-uted more victims than any other rause. Total of deaths credited to this disease was twenty-eight. Jack llarbertson won the first fail of his bout at Ogden with Frank Mo-Carroll Mo-Carroll after fifty-two minutes of the fiercest wrestling ever witnessed, with a toe hold. After an examination of McCarrotls leg doctors who were present refused to allow blm to go on. Acting In conjunction wi;h tho State Humane society, the Ttah Wool Growers" association has sent out a notice to sheep shearers and other person handling sheep of the Intention of the two societies to prosecute pros-ecute all violations of the law relating relat-ing to Inhumane handling of animals. By agreeing to adopt the Colorado standard apple box and tier pack the wholesalers and retailers of Salt I-ak". established a precedent which is expected ex-pected to affect the entire state The agreement was reached at a confer-uce confer-uce of the wbo'.ealers and retailers. |