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Show SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THH FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN ANC FOR THE COUNTY OF MILLARD STATE OF UTAH EARL CHRISTENSEN, Plaintiff, vs. JOSHUA BENNETT and MRS. JO' SHUA BENNETT, his wife, whos true and correct name is other wise unknown; JOHN DEWSNUI and CAROLINE DEWSNUP, hi: wife, JOHN DEWSNIP and CARO LINE DEWSNIP, his wife; A. W MarARTHUR and MRS. A. W. Mac ARTHUR, his wife, whose true ant correct name is otherwise tin known; NELS L. PETERSEN, An ciliary Administrator of the Estati of Frances T. InKraham, deceased MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAOI DISTRICT NUMBER TWO, n hod; corporate and politic; CEO. S INGRAHAM. EDWARD P. Mr KEN NA and ELMER RICHARDSON, at unincorporated association knowi as the Committee of Bondholder of the Millard County Draina1 District Number Two; DELTA RE ALTY CORPORATION, a corpora tion. GEORGE S. INGRAHAM, single man; CATHERINE J. LL'DI ON, a single woman; EDWARD I McKENNA and MRS. EDWARD I MrKENNA, his wife, whose tru and cormct nnme is ofhfrwise un known. The Heirs, Creditors, Devi sees, L'atees and personal repn. spnlatives of the personal defend ants a hove named who miht h deceased, a nrl t tie Stockholder! Credi tors, Assigns, and' Successor in interest of any of the ahov named corpora! o. defendant s thn mitfht hfive ceased to exist ami a other persons unknown claimin any rie;ht, title, estate therein, f int erest in the real proper I y de-1 crihed in the Complaint ad vers to Plaintiff's ownership, or an cloud upon Plaintiff's title thereb Defendants. " THE STATE OF UTAH TO TH SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby .summoned t appear within twenty dnys aft Die service of this .Summons upo you, if served within the Count in which this act ion is brought otherwise within thirty dnys aft service, and defend the dbove er litled action; and in case of yoi, failure so to do, judgment will h rendered acainst. yon according I the dermind of the Complain which has been filer! with fh Clerk of sjiid Court. This nc I ion is brought to qui' title on the following bind In Mi bird County, Ulah: The E'a of the N W. Vi find the N W. "i of the NK.Vt of Section 2H, Townshi p 17 Sou) h, Rn nj;e 7 West, Salt Lake Rase and Merit! Mer-it! hi n. Dudley CraflM A 1 1 orney a I. Law P. O. ADDRESS DELTA, UTAH First 1 publiciition Feb. VA , V.W I'iual. Puhlicfitioa March 'JA , UHfl |