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Show NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS Blouse From One Yard of Fabric . Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, more time is ra-y quired in filling orders for a few of Uu most popular numbers. Send your order to: ( SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 709 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 16 cents for Pattern No Name Address Hydraulic Presses Keep Eiffel Tower Perpendicular The Eiffel tower in Paris is believed be-lieved to be the only structure in the world which contains permanent per-manent machinery to correct any sinking condition, says Collier's. When building it, Eiffel installed 16 hydraulic presses, one in each of the four foundation piers of each "leg," with which the tower, tow-er, in case it ever tilts, can ba brought back to the perpendicular. L -A C V 5088 Smart Blouse T I ERE is a smart blouse that 1 even the most inexperienced sewer can put together in a couple of hours. Very pretty too. Takes just one yard of fabric in size 12 use flowered or plain rayon silk or satin. Bind the neck with a double facing of self material, which forms the ties ; pinch-pleat the cap sleeves and fasten with a bow, attach at-tach sash ties to back and there you arel To obtain complete pattern and finishing finish-ing instructions for the One-Piece Blouse (Pattern No. 5088), sizes 12. 14, 18 included, in-cluded, send 16 cents in coin, your name, address, and the pattern number. NIGHT Coughs are eased, sticky phlegm loosened up, irritated upper breathing passages are soothed and relieved, by rubbing Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Blessed relief as VapoRub PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors, STIMULATES chest and back surfaces sur-faces like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of the misery mis-ery of the cold is gone! Remember ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this special spe-cial double action. It's time-tested, home-proved . . . the best-known home remedy for reliev- a 0 mjf ing miseries of f 9 W I il children's colds. V VAPORUB 1 ' F TOMORROW ALRffcHI M ' Dependable 4 1 V 1 V -VEGETABLE itXrKnXk LAXATIVE LETS YOU TURN OUT BREAD of a moments notice I ' ' 'j 4 ' lit Quick acting ... easy to use-keeps for weeks r- on your pantry shelf fflli73 IF Y0U BAKE AT HOME you can li-Jl ''tffir?lij, I make all the delicious bread you want to, js f any time you want to with wonderful New I' 9 ff Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast. No i M jftftw- If more being "caught short" with no yeast in bit t: ?4iT I " 'ke house ... no spoiled batch because yeast hi r' Jr, J weakened. New Fleischmann's Fast Rising t' i f keeps fresh on your pantry shelf for weeks. $: Keep a supply handy. At your grocer's. . must eorry on! v 'V V .-. " . . . ' s -'-V . .v s !!: N- Il v H-i H-i -J . I, ifciaii &u .-ii Tirt nt'i.wi'Nrti u a 1 1 mji.- r fcn mt M iVWft |