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Show Advanced to Corporal . . . Promotion of Ivan A. Olsen from private first class to corporal was recently announced by Major General Gen-eral Hubert R. Harmon, Commanding Command-ing General of the 13th A. A. F. now operating in the South Pacific. Corporal Olsen is serving as a cook in a 13th A. A. F. heavy bombing unit. He is the brother of Mr. Edwin P. Olsen, who resides at Oak City, Utah. Prior to commencing overseas duty 11 months ago, he attended the Cooks School at Lowry Field, Denver, Colorado and was stationed station-ed for a short time at Kearns Field, Utah, and Camp Stoneman, California. Robert W. Stephensan, Y 2c telegraphed tel-egraphed his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Eliza-beth Stephensen, that he will be home on furlough within a short time. Reuben Chynoweth is home on furlough- from the Navy. Lt. Sam Chynoweth of the Army Air Corps is home on furlough. He is first pilot on a B-17 bomber. |