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Show OAK CITY . . Tuesday evening 6 of the young ladies from Lynndyl M. I. A. entertained en-tertained the Oak City members at Mutual with musical numbers and readings following the regular regu-lar lesson period. This was a return re-turn program for Oak City's one-act one-act play. Sunday evening the Relief Society So-ciety gave the program at the evening eve-ning services. Mrs. Sylvia Harris, Mrs. Ida Finlinson and Mrs. Lydia Finlinson were the speakers. The singing mothers furnished the music. mu-sic. Miss Ava Nielson has returned from a visit in Salt Lake and Og-den. Og-den. Miss Cleo Nielson has left for Richfield, where she will be employed em-ployed for the present. Mrs. Hannah Talbot has left for a short visit with her children at Ogden and Salt Lake. Mrs. W. M. Gardner returned to her home in Idaho Falls March ?, after visiting with her son and family Norman Gardner. |