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Show CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT MISCELLANEOUS SONGS and Lyrics wanted by ASCAP and BMI Publishers Aeent. Submit for free exam., 20TH CENTURY MUSIC AGENCY, 478 Santa Clara Ave., Oak-land, Oak-land, Calif. WANTED TO BUY WANTED i Scrtp Iron. Steel and Cast Also Surplus Items MONSEY IRON & METAL CO. 750 9. 3rd WeM Salt Inke CHy. Utah Buy U.S. Defense Bonds! HELIlilP AT LAS? FerYcisr COUGH Creomulsion relievespromptly because it goes right to the seat of the troublo to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. cnEonuLs.oH Klivs Coughs, Chest Colds, Acutt Bronchitis Bran Nut Oread Wonderful for lunch box or parfy sandwiches I 99 1 cup Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Vi cup sugar 2 cups sifted flour 1 cup milk 3 tsp. baking powder 2 tbsp. melfed 1 tsp. sail shortening cup chopped nutmeatt Beat egg and sugar until light. Add milk, shortening, all-bran. Sift flour with baking powder and salt; combine com-bine with nutmeats; add to first mixture, mix-ture, stirring only until combined. Bake in greased loaf pan, with waxed paper on bottom, In moderate oven (350F.) about 1 hour. Yield: 1 loaf (9 x 4-in. pan). Delicious with fillings of cream cheese and chopped ginger, chopped ham or egg, smoky cheese, peanut butter. For youthful jSfj TTSv regularity, bulk- tl&Feff f f balance your diet f J mj! I f WNU W 10-52 Effective Cough Syrup, Mixed at Home for Economy No Cooking. No Work. Real Saving. Here's an old home mixture your mother probably used, and is still one of the most effective for coughs due to colds. Once tried, you'll swear by it. Make a syrup with 2 cups granulated sugar and one cup water. No cooking needed. Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey. Instead of sujjar syrup. j Now put 2H ounces of Pmex Into a pint bottle and fill up with your syrup. This makes a full pint of cough medicine, and fives you about four times as much for your money. It keeps perfectly and tastes fine. And you'll say it's really excellent for quick action. You can feel It take hold awiftly. It loosens phlegm, soothes irritated membranes, helps clear the air passages. Thus it makes breathing easy and lets you get restful sleep. Pinex is a special compound of proven Ingredients, in concentrated form, well-known well-known for its quick action on throat and bronchial Irritations. Money refunded if not pleased in every way. FOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE GET NEW READY-MIXED, READY-TO-USE PINEXI brighter teeth in just one week Amazing results proved by independent cientifio test. For cleaner teeth, for brighter smile ... try Calox yourself I A product of MCKESSON & ROBBINS |