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Show jChaiier Box Dear Suzy, Ladd Cropper, local yodeller, part time seminary teacher and conductor of sorts, is going about these days feeling about two feet shorter than he used to be. And there is no question but that he should feel shorter considering what happened. It seems that the Hinckley Relief Re-lief Society was giving a party one night and on the same night the BYU was playing back east. Ladd, Hon Cropper and Talmage Christ-sensen Christ-sensen sat about ifdgeing and sqir-ming sqir-ming while the program was going go-ing on and during a lull the three fans broke and ran for a car outside out-side where they could hear the game coming over the radio. Talmage Tal-mage lead the field by a good mar gin and Hon was running a poor second. But Ladd, always a little on the lazy side, was bringing up a poor rear (I mean he was last). There was a low fence to be hurdled between the men and the car and Talmage, always active, leaped the fence easily and turned turn-ed on the radio. Hon came puffing up, but was still able to make the fence without too much trouble. But not so with Ladd. He got to the fence winded in the first place-and place-and the fence was a little too high for man who has lead an in active life such as Ladd has. Ladd made the attempt anyway but the wire caught him on the ankle and Ladd rose into the air like a high-diver and when he came down it was with quite a bit of force . right on top of his head. It was lucky for Ladd he did land on his head as that is his most invulnerable spot and so the injury was not as serious as Ladd expected. The other two hurried back to Ladd and were all for loading in the car for a quick trip to the doctor, but Ladd, who had found his basso profundo unhurt, shouted shout-ed for them not to move him because be-cause his neck was broken. Hon looked him over and said "I don't think your neck is broken. It looks as though your collar has slid over ov-er your head and your vest is covering your face." Talmage, who wanted to hear the game, said, "If you two are gong to dally about on the ground while the game is going on, you are wrong if you think I am going to dally there too. " He went to the car and turned on the radio and soon had the game. He shouted shout-ed out -that BYU was ten points ahead, and with this announce -ment Ladd forgot his broken neck and he and Hon made a beeline for the car so that they could take in the game. I know that all three of the men are rabid basketball fans, and I know that Talmage and Ladd would use any excuse to get away from a Relief Society party, But for Hon to leave such a gathering rings a little far-fetched and I firmly believe that the only reason reas-on Hon left was that the party was over, or else they were out of food. Ladd is now practicing with the Hinckley track team to build himself him-self up so in case he makes another an-other cross country run he will be in shape. Hon and Talmage are taking is easy because the basketball basket-ball season is over and they won't have to be in shape until the next one comes along. This may be a lesson to them all and that is to not take their basketball too seriously and thereby there-by neglect their church duties. Toots. |