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Show les on Wednesday of last week. Each classroom in the church is now furnished with a table. The Sunday School had charge of the Easter Program in Church Sunday morning. Members of the Delta Seminary entertained that evening with a fine program. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nielson of Ogden, spent the week end at the Wallace Nielson home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bradfield and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lambright and children of TOD Park, spent Easter with their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Bradfield. Cpl. Bevan Nielson with four oth (er soldiers from Nephi returned to their base in Texas on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dene Dutson and Monty visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leon-ard Dutson on Easter. They were i returning to their home in Salt Lake City from a vacation that took them to San Francisco, Los Angeles and into Mexico. Dene reports re-ports for active duty with the Air Corps on April 1. He is a member of the Air National Guard 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Quornburg spent the week end with relatives in Scipio. Mr. Merrill Dutson and friends spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson. Merrill is attending Snow College in Eph-riam. Lcaahiugion MABEL HARDER Mr Dell Bradfield and Mrs. Ben Lovell took their mother, Mrs. Mar aret Ritchie, to the LDS hospital in Salt Lake City on Friday 'tor emergency treatment. Mrs. Brad -field returned Thursday morning, and M". Bud Me Cann drove up Sunday to bring Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Lovell home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Overson and family have moved to the Joe Par-cis Par-cis house in Lynndyl. Their son, Fay, and family are living in their home here. Fay is now working on the section in Leamington. Mrs. Eva Bradfield, Mrs. Walker Finlinson and Mr. and Mrs. Parley Par-ley Elder were in Provo Wednesday. Wednes-day. The cast of the MIA play' "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town" presented the play on Thursday for the Mona ward- u , . , The Primary boys and girls were entertained at an Easter party par-ty following Primary Tuesday. The Bee-Hive Girls, Joan Bradfield.Lu-ella Bradfield.Lu-ella Dutson, Inez Nielson, and Shirley Shir-ley Grygla had dyed the eggs and made baskets for the children as part of their cell filling work in 'Bee-Hive. Spending the Easter week end at the Jos. T. Jinlinson and Rich Finlinson homes were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fay and Mary Susan of Pan-guitch; Pan-guitch; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weagle of Lark; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finlinson and children of Salt Lake City. The Primary officers and teachers teach-ers collected and painted old tab- |