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Show Boise, Idaho, also Esdrss Finlinson. Finlin-son. Most of his remarks were about ab-out a recent visit to Whither Ca and the blessing of his granddaugl. ter, little Colleen Day. The talks were interesting. Fireside chat was at Ray Fin-, linson's residence. It was enjoyed as a testimony meeting. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served. Mr and Mrs. Bert Roper had their daughters, Leola and Wanetta and families with them for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harris and baby visited for Easter . Mrs. Clara Talbot is home from Clearfield with her daughter, Clara Wells .Her family gave a party in honor of her birthday. Cpl. Grant Christensen and Sgt. Glen Christensen returned to Texas. Tex-as. They left Sunday morning. - Oak City - Mae H. Shipley The Special Interest class had a special attraction Tuesday night in MIA. Elder Jay Gardner from Delta, Del-ta, told of his missionary experiences. experi-ences. Daryl Allred sang several numbers as did Esther Anderson. Refreshments were served. Miss Genevieve Anderson who is attending the BYU was home for the Easter holiday. Bishop and Mrs. Burnis Finlinson and family visited Boulder Dam, and the canyons this past week. Grant and Lyman Finlinson and families, Mrs. Lydia Finlinson and Richard Finlinson visited at Cedar City, St. George and the canyons for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and family have moved home for the farm work after working at Kearns the past winter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nielson and son and Eludla East spent the holi day in Provo. Mrs. Myrtle Lovell spent a few days in Lark visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Max Lovell. They have a new ' daughter born March 10th. Mrs. Hulda Anderson is visiting in Salt Lake City and Ogden for a couple of weeks with her children. child-ren. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lovell spent the week end with their daughter, Merlene at St. George. They also visited Boulder Dam and Bryce's canyon. Mrs. Twiss Nielson spent a week at Richfield with her daughter, Cleo. The wedding Wednesday night for Cpl. and Mrs. Grant Christensen was very good. The new bride looked lovely. Many presents given giv-en and a program with Sgt. Glen Christensen as MC was good. Friday Fri-day evening Mr. and Mrs. Clark Talbot gave a dance which' was enjoyed by a good crowd. Mrs. Ila Billingsby and children spent the week here from Salt Lake for her brother and sister's weddings. Mrs. Billingsby came Fri day. The family returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Nielson and family spent a few days between quarters at the U. of U., where Mr. Nielson is teaching. Services Sunday evening had as speakers Miss Wilma Wixom, telling tel-ling of experiences the past year at school at Portland, Ore., and |