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Show WANTED: Pictures of your parents or grandparents if they lived in the county before 1880 to be used us-ed in the Millard County history book. Pictures must be in on or before April 1 to Mrs. Lula Pearson Delta, Mrs. Nora Cropper, or Mrs. Ava Bennett at Deseret accompanied accompan-ied by 50 cents per picture. Pictures Pic-tures will be returned after copy is made. CEMENT.. HEADGATES, watering troughs, prefabricated headgates, cement floors, and any cement work, done by Chester Sly, Hinckley. Hinck-ley. Good work, satisfaction guaranteed. guar-anteed. 3-22 DELTA BUS LINE Lv. Delta (City Cafe) 6:30. a.m. NOTICE Lv. Cont. Temple Square Bus Center 77 W. So. Temple 4:50 Lr. MOXUM HOTEL 5:00 Franchise for FAST EXPRESS Up to 100 lb. per package All Express taken to Continental Depot Have your Beef, Pork or Lamb slaughtered under sanitary conditions condi-tions at a Licensed Slaughterhouse , Pick up and delivery service. Contact Con-tact D. Stevens & Co., Meat Dept., Phone 1611, or contact George E. Talbot, Hinckley, Utah. tf WANTED: 10 tons of clean, fine chaff. Write Evan B. Stevens,' at Holden, Utah, and state price. ARMCO metal headgates and metal met-al pipe in all sizes now on hand. Vodak Tractor and Service, Delta, Utah. 4-12 FOR SALE: Thayer buggy; also a crib. Reasonable. Mrs. Ned Teep-les. Teep-les. 4-12 FOR SALE: My home in-Delta, See me or contact Wfti. S. Bas-sett. Bas-sett. Waiora B. Wallace. WANTED TO BUY: Fifty , tons of alfalfa chaff. E. J. Eliason, Deseret. FOR SALE: 80 acre farm at Mc Cornick. 60 acres in- alfalfa See David J. Stevens, at Hinckley, this week end. I WOULD LIKE to contact anyone interested in a Fluorspar mine. It is located just 12 miles "west of Mil ford. The spar runs from 85 to 95 pure with -a very low impurity content. con-tent. It is located in a talc deposit de-posit and would lend itself to open op-en pit work. At present it needs some surface work to uncover the spar. Anyone interested in leasing or working on a partnership basis please contact Clarence E. Tuttle, Milford, Utah or Phone 18M Mil-ford. GEORGE N. CHURCH Agent for C. ED LEWIS COMPANY Member of National Business Brokers Clearing House The World's Largest Brokers "We Specialize in Ranches and Farms" Contact Mr. Church for further information at Millard Hotel Phone 1302 4-19 I WILL SHIP HOGS March 30, April 27. Dewey Sanford, Delta. FOR SALE: One B-flat saxaphone. See Alma J. Christensen. 4-5 FOR SALE: Chlordane spray for weevil control. Reed Turner, Delta. 4-5 FOR SALE: Velvon Seed Barley. And Overland Oats. John Hersleff. Phone 44 evenings. 3-29 MATTRESS REBUILT AND COVERED SPRING MATTRESS REBUILT OR TURN YOUR OLD MATTRESS IN ON A NEW MATTRESS EASY TERMS Free Pickup and Delivery OVERMAN'S MATTRESS CO. Call Hotel Southern, Delta FOR SALE: Have gone into the navy and must sell 1940 Plymouth with new motor. Cheap. See Lowell Wilkins, Lynndyl. 3-29 I ft? 11 i(rm I5hl3 f i HicKo BICKOHYisff 1 1 : rsmmsna YEARS OLD y BOORBOII : -JSH h OlD HICKMT DOTU1N6 GSP. fj HIIADUHU. PL PIANO TUNING, Repair and General Gen-eral Overhauling. All work guaranteed. guaran-teed. If you need this service, leave names at Delta Drug. O'Bert K. Hill member of the American Society of Piano Technicians. FOR SALE: Red Bliss Potatoes, $2.50 per hundred - graded. Also suitable for seed.Certified last year See Frank Webb, Hinckley or Robert Rob-ert Webb, Deseret. 4-12 I Will Ship Hogs March 30, April 13 and April 27. Dewey Sanford. WILL BUY HORSES weighting 1200 lbs. and will pay 2 cents a lb. From 900 to 1200 lbs., 1 cents. Will do custom slaughtering on Saturdays. George Talbot, Hinckley. Hinck-ley. TF FOR SALE: Building lot in Delta, 65x125 ft. Block and a half north of Clark Str. See Keith Dalton, Delta, Ut. 3-28 Heating & Air Conditioning WARM AIR FURNACES and Stokers Expert installation and Service Wrk free estimate on Furnace work. Contact Alma J. Christensen Delta, Utah or Wayne Christen, 555 No. 2nd West, Spanish Fork, Utah. 5-3 -AT- I I"H" Tractor Completely Recond. ... $1350 F-20 FARMALL 425 F-20 FARMALL 375 "C" FARMALL, Mower and Plow 1350 "C" TRACTORS 1585 - 1662 TD-9 Crawler Tractors N E W, inc. tax 6130 "MD" TRACTOR 3760 Millions like you like Kinsey B No other whiskey E3 """1 S'ves y 50 much , iP'SILUER Biendtd Whiskey-30X WhIskey,70X Grain Neutral Spirits. 86. 8 Proof. Kinsey Distilling Corp.,Unfielil,Pa. WITH OUR wANT ADS A LITTLE INVESTMENT ' ' In. a CLASSIFIED AD 11 ; 1 ; WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS '- j 5 lines or less 50c '.::.; 1 or 3 times for:. - $1.00 SI KOUSECLEANING TIME IS HERE BUT THAT SHOULDN'T BE A BIG WORRY WITH REDDY KILOWATT ON HAND ALL HOURS OF THE DAY AND NIGHT 7fo TO CLEAN YOUR RUGS, WASH YOUR fWk CURTAINS AND DO A THOUSAND AND , .fjr NE OTHER JBS YOU USED TO DO THE P h5 HARD WAY- llEl ALWAYS USE REDDY . . . T HE'S ALWAYS READY Buy From Your Appliance Dealer or Furniture Store TELLuride POWER COMPANY A SOT -SUPPORTING, TAX PAYING INDUSTRY FOR SALE: 44 acres land 4 miles below Deseret with 40 shares sha-res of Deseret Irrigation Cos water. wat-er. M. F. Schoenberger, 135 W. 108 St., Los Angeles 61, Calif. 3-29 A GOOD FARM BUY 43-acres, known as . the Val Black Farm, Crops grown- is AlwUfn, wheat, and alfalfa seed. Just 3 miles from Abraham. ONLY 52,000. TERMS. For more details ;all or write. - ) v ,a LAYTON HARRIS- , A Phone 7-42SS 1719 South Main St Salt pike City Sun. or Eve. Call 7303$ 'or 8-1077 - " -r-.r'-' Syria FOR GRAVEL PACK -WELLS SEE .i DESERT - ' D R I L L I N a,., . SERVICE Permit No. 93 General Delivery .. . " DELTA UTAH FOR SALE: 1939 Dodge sedan, clean, good paint, radio, heater, spotlight. New engine. Good rubber. rub-ber. Make offer. George Puckett, Hinckley. - 3-29 DO YOU NEED SOMEONE to help with your housework or someone to tend your children? I can work after school and on Saturdays. See Geneal Barney or call 113M. FOR BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE |