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Show I FOR BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE A LITTLE INVESTMENT In a CLASSIFIED AD WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS 5 lines or less 5oc or 3 times for $1.00 ia" pOR KINO OF DRijj T WT THE "H.STLES $ 'P YOU'RE "HONI tAU OF YET ND THAT JUST TELLTHE MAM fcST, r Imperial is made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey. 86 proof. 70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. Utah Poultry & Farmers Cooperative celebrates its 27th anniversary with a convention at the Hotel Utah March 24-25. This oraonizatlnn nffort iuul and savings to all poultrymen and farmers in Utah and Southern Idaho. OTWPOOtW AND FARMERS CO-OP Qaicrat Offtii'n: 1800 South WU Tempi - - - - - Sab lab Or Cfmvt-nii-ni Brum hoi in Vuih ami Smithi-m itfuhn "Tests are now being made at the USAC in Logan to see if metals will help produce better livestock when fed to animals either directly or through plant foods." mm IIH MUMIWIJ. HI lin.i ill, ' ' tU 1 111 - in 1 mm' i w iV 1 1 t M 11 11 yH 1 IU"" W 1 'H-"' ' n" l"'J'IWliILWWPUiIUlJf.UIIII"llli.lf HI 'III !! Ill I III lmmMIHIRWPIIIIMaRfMHIMMM, ". - 1 nr. -- - I.,.,.. - . r. Many new cars . . . and plenty of older ones whose gasoline require- ments have become higher due to thousands of miles of use . . . will y now give their best performance, and run more efficiently on Utoco gasoline. If your car engine knocks, is sluggish on hills, slow to pick-up ' ... or if you just want the sheer enjoyment of extra new power ... IS, the best your engine can give you ... use Utoco gasoline in either JjJiJ Ethyl or regular. UTAH OIL K E F 5 M I N G COMPANY i Tlie SfudebeEcer Champion is one of the 4 lowest price largest soiling cere! I AS SHOWN I I STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 6-PASSEN6ER, I I 2-D00R CUSTOM SEDAN I i $1680.18 g&tf I State and local taxes if any, extra 1 I Prlc.i may vary illghlly tn marby communlllei 1 I du to dlffer.nce In Iraniportatlon chargei I I Comparably low prices on other StudebaVer I Champion Custom models, 4-door sedan, mmmtssx, I 5-pass Starlight coupe, business coupep- '"aiwV MOTOR 8 SUPPLY ' , PELTA UTAH ' |