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Show CLASSIFIED DEPART BUSINESS & INVESlT NIGHT Club, estinErrTr----5 on sale license, latest ; C"iS equip., real property anw ',' & 1200 sq . Jwelfinii 2,sl- I 1 Ing, $65,000. Bo, 'ijjFkuy Roll Developed OvTT-- 8 Hih Gloss Pri" JiVVS REPRINTS ir 1 sl!e'i FOX STUDl0AJj5,Mch . New Subscribers; REAnF5r-S' months for $1. ADER S Dfe DARWIN CROSSMAN Ar- SACRIFICING, lUnTsTTiiin-eral lUnTsTTiiin-eral dozen finest guarant.Vj i nj Pinking Shears, werl S5 than half, delivered Wh. "i . GESSER, Indigo, Calif. e ". V RECONDITION Scarred "i -I purses, saddles, shoes 1ifa.lh" li tory way. Black, blue Drikels' i X-CEL PRODUCTS COMPAQ 1845 JUDAH STREET SAN FRANCISCO 22, CAUF Keep Posted on Values By Reading the Adt RESET! HMit"ibw LOOSE V" HAN DIES mNT j cnuiLOsi mu nu OOC I ot rum Tji1 jp On electric fans, !awnmo-r CCJ' roller skates 3-IN-ONE!! CONSTIPATED? E THIS HAPPY LETTE "Had tried method after twth relieve constipation, until I lea . Then I saw an ad about ALL-Brii ! I started to eat thisr li Kellogg cereal daily : 1 and was amazed at ! the fine results!" Mrs. Aspers,312BaileySt, Camden, N. J. Just one of many unsolio- tied Utters from ALL-BRAN ALL-BRAN users. Foryou, too, there's hope, for Li constipation due to lack of kfidh the diet. Simply eat an n crispy Kellogg's ALL-BRAN di ; drink plenty of waterllfnoton,': II satisfied after 10 days, send f:: carton to Kellogg's, Battle O Mich. Get double your monej't:- fsl yr 4 jT .ZUPj- Removes ; L V SlWMKJg BATHTUBS, W f 2 ifL&S mi noon, I Mil l movlnj hwvy. bmnl-on !' ven doon, ceokins roBB, MILLIONS OF CANS SOU Ui for FREE SAMPLE, lit 1 your rocry and hordo" ,n RUSTAIN PRODUCTS I W Em. 15? St., N. 1- mssui An you going througSj middle-age" P'VJ ; women (38-52 y"?S"l you sutler from '&-' ,' nervous, hlgh-ng. JJV K try Lydla B. eathta' ' Compound to relfe'" 4' Regular u of Plnttw'jL help, build up ""S' Jh annoying middle-age W, h LYDIALPINKHAM Personal I To Women WHj j Nagging Back. exertion. , V I cold PometimM "" MH-J'J plain ol nPM bcl", JO energy, headache. S Up night, or i from minor bladder l". dampneae or dietary W"" eautee. don't wmiW , , diuretic. Dd "f??.! over 50 yeara WhtaM tb", A often otherwue wf U time. Doae? P' V Kuan out weeta. Gt " j onirsi!! WNTJ W A ml |