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Show Sugarvillc Miss Velda Boothe spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. A. Boothe, she attends school at the BAC. The Relief Society party, celebrating cele-brating their anniversary was a rousing success. Tire program follows: fol-lows: , , Praver C. A. Boothe; song by tne quartee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jensen, Mary Abbot and Vergil Losee, tribute to Relief Society past presidents, pre-sidents, JaCosa Shields; each president pre-sident was presented with a red rose; accordion solo, Virgil Losee, talk, Bishop Harold Jensen; song, Mr and Mrs. Harlan Stone; jokes, Rom Shields; talk, Maline Gardner; Gard-ner; skit, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Abbot Mr. and Mrs. Glen Losee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jensen and Virgil Losee. The balance of the evening was spent in dancing. Rufe Clark and Mabel Kinney won the prize waltz. Stake visitors were Mr. and Mrs. A O Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gardner. A lovely lunch was served serv-ed at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Losees and I. H. Losee spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. Shirley Barben had a Tonsilect-omy Tonsilect-omy on Wednesday and is recovering recover-ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen were Salt Lake visitors during the week. Frank Hill is in Calif, combining business and pleasure. June Hinckley attended the Basketball Bas-ketball tournament at Salt Lake during the week. |