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Show Itridgadiers Are Entertained I Mrs. Mary Hunsaker was hostess to the Bridgadiers for their club meeting Thursday night. Present, were Nona Chesley, Norma Pearson, Pear-son, Liz Pace, Callie Morrison, I Verna Walch, Athena Cook, Betty Day, Lois Hinckley, club members, and Lucille Stapley, La Vonne Morrison, Deonna Black, Helen Wanda Beckwith, Rayda Knight, Knight and Amelia Cole, guests. Dinner was served at 8 p.m., with Mr. and Mrs. Hatch Farnsworth of the City cafe, catering. Bridge was played later with high score awards going to Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Chesley, and a consolation for low. to Mrs. Day. |