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Show ' ii inurr- "'afem ' " Iffnckley Mrs. Harriet Spendlove The Hinckley ward reunion will be held on Saturday, April J announces an-nounces Bishop Walter E.an, Com mittee members hav.e. formIf time been on the J plans for this big event. In charge of the program are Fawn Dillm beck and Blaine Spendlove Head ing the committee on the lunch is Thora Petersen, while the officers of the ward MIA will supervise a dance. The banquet will be served in the lunch room .with three different differ-ent table-setting being given, ine , older folks will be served at six o'clock, the middle-agers at 7 p. m. and the younger folks at 8. A pro-gra pro-gra mwill be presented during the time each group is eating, making three different programs to be given. giv-en. Some of the same numbers will be repeated for a second time but not all of them will be. All present members of the ward will be asked to contribute food or cash for this meal. Following the Banquet the group will meet in th gymnasium for a dance under the supervision of the MIA officers, with Activity Counselors, Ruth Talbot Tal-bot and R. Swensen heading this committee. All person who have ever been members of the Hinckley ward are invited to be the guests of the present members of the ward and join with them to make this a real reunion of the Hinckley ward. Mrs. Byron Carter left Friday to spend a week with her husband, who is employed in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Hon Cropper motored motor-ed to Provo last Tuesday to take Glenda back to school there. Guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hurst were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hurst of Payson. Mrs. Harvard Hatten and three children, Merlin, Larry', and little Nola Jean, who was born March 19, are here now to spend two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Blake of Hinckley. . Mrs. Kathleen Faris left Wednesday Wednes-day to join her husband Billy for a short visit in Calif., where he is employed on the railroad. Word has been received by relatives rela-tives in Hinckley of the birth of a baby girl to Mrs. Helen Jones, of Los Angeles. Helen is the daughter dau-ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blake. Mrs Phyllis Bennett was hostess to the Literary Club last Friday at the home of Mrs. Reva Talbot. Wynnie Wright reviewed the book, Early Autumn, by Louis Bromfield. |