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Show Mloude Z)vJJ Simple Sewincj i3aclz interest on 'IJoung Style fc I mi? wni Slimming House Dress A NEAT, practical house dress for the busy homemaker that's easily and quickly made. Waistline Waist-line darts give crisp, slimming lines, a narrow belt ties in back. You'll want to have several on hand. Pattern No. 8422 comes In sizes 12, 14. 16, 18, 20; 40. 42 and 44. Size 14. 4'i yards ot 39-inch. For Junior Mood RESIGNED to win applause from your audience is this charming date frock in a junior mood. A contrasting fabric is used for yoke and peplum, the keyhole neckline is accented with a gay bow. Pattern No. 8419 Is for sizes 11, 12, 13, II. 16 and 18. Size 12, 4 'A yards of 39-pinch; 39-pinch; yoke and peplum. IV yards. Send an additional quarter for your copy otf the Spring and Summer FASHION it's filled with ideas for smart summer sewing: sew-ing: free pattern printed inside the book. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 South WeUs St. Chicago 7, III. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Name Address . 1 A A fl have you hearp -J flM if If I IPil 1-11 ABOUT THIS NEW I lli Hill Hull IvI FLEISCHMANNS Jl VVVfVlLlM VpgyvBAsr? (WHO BAKC AT HOME) P ONLY MM M""' I REFKI6EKATI0N j f NO MOKE rVOERIES jL-s. ( FITS ALL My FAVORITE I ABOUT YEAST frOk j EECIPESTOO i- L D SPOILING -P XT jCs' WHEN PISSOLVE? Is T Zr9 1 PACKAGE EQUALS JsmT L 1 OOMPEESSEP H ) yEASTCAKE SkWHEE! Buy 3 packages ot a l time-keeP ,hem ha"dy on the 4rliH!it$f she,f' Active when you buy it f jW 3 active when you use it! ?00i 3 times as many women prefer FLEISCHMflHH'S YEAST ' s Cnspness that speaks for itself! !;: Hear Rice Krispies snap! crackle! ! W( pop! In millcl Dee-licious VS9 "11 M energy food. America's favorite LSil wI&a. hg W. ready-to-eat rice cereaL S&7 mmi ft B 6 IS CAMELS J vN I AS PEOPLE J , W ZthECAMElS I I i F .-T, j 30-DAY TEST S fi In a recent test of hundreds of people who smoked only Camels for ILtSx y' noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported " tij NT NE SINGLE CflSE 0F THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING CAMELS! |