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Show IB hit Notes of a Newspaperman INTERNATIONAL . NEWS SERVICE SER-VICE phoned this desk one morning to check the claim made by a man who told Washington reporters thai he was on Axis Sally's legal staff . . . This amazing liar told the reporters re-porters Walter WincheU was "paying "pay-ing for Axis Sally's legal fees because be-cause of remorse." He added: "WincheU feels he got her into all this trouble." This woman is more than a show-off show-off and deserves to be punished, although al-though we doubt that any U. S. soldier (who was agonized by her voice) would want to see her hanged ... It is part of the dignity of this nation that Americans do not want to see women hanged. Perhaps it would be punishment enough if she were the first "woman without a country." Let her live up to her Nazi broadcasts. Let her live in America, but never again be an American ... To see the Flag but never again be privileged to salute it or call it her own. The Nazi-hired recording of Axis Sally's broadcasts have a not-so-amazing similarity to the opinions spouted by isolationists isolation-ists during the war and before it. If she had made those statements state-ments In the V. S. instead of Germany, Sally might have been elected to Congress. No wonder Washington is wary bf Stalin's peace-pipe puffing. In the past, such words served as smoke screens for another Act of Aggression . . . His zig-zagging record rec-ord can only make you skeptical. . . Stalin is suffering the fate of all merchants of mendacity. If you continually con-tinually lie, people are not apt to believe you even when you're telling tell-ing the truth. The expression of peace spouted by Communist leaders is just another zig in their lagging propaganda line. Such spurious blah-blah will only fool a fool. The current edition of Foreign Affairs magazine proves Stalin's peace promises are false with his own words. For examples: Stalin has bluntly confessed that Russia aims to "raise revolts against capitalists, and in the event of necessity come out even with armed force against their governments." Pianist Walter Gieseklng gave no concert as scheduled at Carnegie hall because of American protest. He left by plane for Europe 48 hours after he arrived ... He refused re-fused to avail himself of an offered public hearing to back up his statements state-ments of innocence with proof . . . Just how he managed to get an American visa is another of those state department mysteries the Congress should probe . . . Who in our government arranged it? To forgive and forget is noble. To this rule the world must return some day . . . But it is typical Nazi bad taste to believe the American Amer-ican public would permit a Nazi musician at Carnegie hall at the same time a ship bearing 5,000 war dead was lying in the harbor. The dead American boys who died to the ear-splitting explosions of Nazi shells have earned at least the silence of a Nazi piano player while they are being carried home. An outfit which calls itself the Civil Rights Congress made an all-around nuisance of itself In Washington during Inaugural Week. They button-holed Gov- " ernment officials and made various protests including one against the trial of Communist party leaders. The Civil Rights Congress has been named as a subversive organization by the Justice Dep't. But what good is listing them as subversive if nothing is done to stop their subversive activities? The Post Office department is circulating cir-culating free (without postage) propaganda pro-paganda against the United States. The same as Hitler did at the expense ex-pense of U.S. taxpayers. This propaganda propa-ganda is mailed from the Argentine Embassy in Washington. It is a book titled: "Peron Expounds His Doctrine." Doc-trine." It urges all workers to join th. Peron Revolution. And it bears the US. stamp which reads: "Diplomatic "Diplo-matic Mail Free." When. oh. when. Mr. Postmaster-General, will we ever learn? Ladies and gentlemen, if you can spare the time, please send a letter of protest about this to the Postmaster-General at Washington and help fight these rodents. Mme. Evita Peron had the supreme sup-reme gall to send clothing to American Amer-ican orphans in Washington This is conscience money of a kind because her dictator husband helped Hitler kill so many Amer ican seamen by permitting Nazi subs to refuel in Argentina waters . . . Better, we think, would be ar invitation to visit Arlington Cem etery . . Where both the Madan and her husband should be forcer to kneel at the graves of the Amei leans the "neutral" Mr Peroi j helped murder. |