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Show Cougar Kills I j Sheep Kef ore j Shots Kill II tin Early Sunday morning a couga got into the sheep at Welby A gaard's camp and killed 18 befon he in turn was killed. Mr. Agaarr was at the camp at the time an fired four rifle shots into the ani mal. The raid was made just before daybreak. When Mr. Agaard gol up and stepped out of the camp wagon, noticed some of the sheep were milling around and thought one of the dogs was with them They were only about half a block distant, but hard to see in the dark. He looked through his binoo-culars binoo-culars at them, and was surprised to see a cougar, which he said looked as big as a mountain. No one had seen a cougar in that area before, though thev are encountered en-countered frequently farther west, around Garrison, Gandy and Baker. , Mr. Agaard's camp is about 55 miles west of Delta, through Mar-jum Mar-jum Pass in Tule Valley. He has 3000 sheep there, the camp, herders, herd-ers, horses and five dogs. It was unusual to find a cougar there, especially bold enough to come in so close. No doubt the long, hard winter had forced him from his usual hunting areas. Lon wood says he saw cougar tracks in Mar-jum Mar-jum Pass this winter, although when he trapped ou there several winters ago, he never saw one there. Mr. Agaard said the cougar was not large, as cougars go. It measured meas-ured 7 feet ten Inches from tip to tip. It was in poor condition, thin and shaggy, and he judged weighing weigh-ing less than 100 pounds. He skinned skin-ned the beast, and had the hide and the 18 sheep pelts on his truck Sunday afternoon when he drove through Delta, returning to his home at Fountain Green. |