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Show Lyric Lore Club 3Ieets at Snow's Pearl Snow was hostess to the Lyric Lore Club Feb. 29 at her home. Reva Skidmore reviewed the book "Clementine"' by Peggy Goodin, and it was well given and enjoyed by all. A delicious luncheon lunch-eon was served to the following members, Mary Bassett, Marjorie Gardner, Eleanor Skidmore, Maur-ine Maur-ine Anderson, Rayda Rawlinson, Maurine Jeffery and Cora Harris. Special guests were Nellie Soren-sen, Soren-sen, Ora Gardner, Inez Moody, Annie An-nie Leavitt, Mrs. Marion Pratt, Mrs. Clyde Underhill and Marilyn Snow Holt. Mrs. R. P. Adams is in the LDS hospital in Salt Lake City, recovering recover-ing from an operation on her knee. She will return to Delta Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Varlo Henrie and daughters, Lorraine and Jackie, left Delta Saturday on a trip into Arizona, Ari-zona, California, and up the coast into Oregon. Mrs. S. S. Songer has as her guests theis week her sister and husband from Cornish, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gonzales. On their return they wil go to Smitthfield where Pete will be employed. |