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Show Hinckley Mrs. Harriet Spendlove Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theobald are visiting in Stockton, Cal., with their daughter, Eda, who is ill. Mrs. Lois Wilson entertained the Rook club at her home last Wednes day. After a delicious dinner was served the evening was spent in , playing Rook. High score was taken tak-en by Helen Shurtliff, with second I being taken by Ruth Robinson, while Melba Nielson won the guest I prize and Dorothy Buffington was j given the consolation prize. Other members present were Arvilla Swen sen, Manon Robison, Ruth Talbot, ; Thora Petersen, Nina Mecham, Roma Ro-ma Ekins, Dot Bishop, Bertha Love, Valeda Hilton, Angie Pratt and Bel- ning. The mother and baby are doing fine, but the poor father Vance, is still out in the cold, bitter bit-ter world, working on snowy roads. The social season is showing signs of reviving. Mr. and Mrs. I Charles Jensen will entertain a 1 small group of friends at supper and cards Wednesday evening. i Friday evening the Jolly Stitchers potluck supper and card party will ' be held at the home of Mr. and $ Mrs. Wallace Holman. j( Thursday is the event of our S lives Parents' Day at Delta high I school. i Mrs The local As You Like It club f has held meetings regularly all season during the bad weather. aid School is back in regular routine and Primary has begun their meet- ings again. visitl Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Moody re- ' lf turned Sunday from a visit in California. Cal-ifornia. Their daughter, Mrs. Mar- M" jorie Burr, was there too, from W Reno, Nevada. Tuesday Mrs. Moody il 1 j went to Holden to meet some re- !l turning elders from where Gordon ' is laboring in South America. Mrs Darrell Christensen is in Salt W, S Lake on business. jjker; Armond Ogden is in Salt Lake dl" City where he is employed as a ) IW carpenter. I - r" sent word that they wil bring the members of their family and other relatives to Hinckley to attend he high school operetta, "Blow Me Down" which is scheduled for Mar. 22 and 23 in Hinckley. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Robinson went to Salt Lake early this week Mrs. Robinson will come home on the train and Mr. Robinson will go on to Logan, where he will attend the Better Crop Improvement school at the USAC. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Carter are spending a few days this week in Salt Lake. Billy Faris was home to visit his family over the weekend. He has been mployed on the railroad in Cache County. Mr. Clinton Langston and his friend were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-, ert Taylor. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Bishop of Cedar City were visitors in Hinckley Mr. and Mrs. Jex Hyatt and their small daughter were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hep-worth Hep-worth last week. va Morris. Other guests included Erma Cropper, Joy Hurst, Harriet Spendlove, Dana Bishop and Esther Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hurst entertained enter-tained Monday night at a birthday birth-day party, honoring Mrs. Wan Pierce. Pier-ce. The evening was spent in playing play-ing Rook. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Wan Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tullis and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Anderson. And-erson. Sunday Mrs. Elford Reeve entertained enter-tained at a birthday party for her daughter, Noreen. Games and refreshments were enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Pate and family fam-ily of Amercan Fork spent the week end visiting here with Mrs. Pate's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart. Mr. Karl Workman and the M-Men M-Men basketball team came home from Cedar City on Saturday. They were eliminated after their first game, losing to Minersville Thursday Thurs-day night. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Spendlove and Mr. and Mrs. Benny Schena drove to Provo Friday evening to attend he opera "Carmen" being produced by the BYU. They noticed a Delta girl Maurine Robins, took a lively part in the chorus of this lovely performance. Grant Woodbury, Dee Wright, Glenda Cropper Carol Moody, lone Hilton, were all visitors at the home of their parents this week pnfl Mrs. Angelo Schena, who has been visiting for the past month in Calif., with her son, returned to her home in Abraham Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spendlove and two children and Mrs. Alvin Hansen spent Tuesday and Wednes day visiting with Mrs. Emma Spend love who entertained Tuesday night at a family party. The evening eve-ning was spent in playing Rook and enjoying refreshments. Present Pres-ent were the above guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Spendlove Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Spendlove, Mr. and Mrs. Aroet Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wright. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gale Brundage Were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Mrs. Brundage is the former Miss Jeannine Barnes. Joan Barnes accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Nielson have |