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Show AUTO TRIPS TAKEN BY BENSON PEOPLE Benson, Sept. 10. On Monday, Sept. 3, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leo Ilcese, Cbas. L. Reese nnd Mr. and Mra. Angus Funk left Denson for the north country in an auto, going tho first day to Fort Hall, whero Indian land Is being leased, tho next day Jthey went to Blackfoot and then lfJ crossed over to Arco, C7 miles, and II' spent the night. On Wednesday, In company with K. L. Molen, a real estate man, they took a trip through r. Lost River valley, which Is very beau- ; tlful, offering splendid opportunities to those seeking homes. It Is sparse- J ly settled. In this valley they saw ij fields of grain yielding GO bushels per acre. From Arco they went to j Idaho Falls, 67mlles, and from there to Sponcer to seo their undo, Foster Steele, who la In the forest service. Hero they had a pleasant visit. . Their return trip was by way of St. m Anthony and Rexburg. The trip from jfl Rexburg home, about 200 miles, was U made on Saturday. Tho party all felt m well repaid for tho time and expense M of the outing In seeing so many Inter- M cstlng sights and so much fine coun- 1 trr' m T. H. Itcese, A. V. Reese and his fS sons, Victor and Frank, and W. O. jS Reeso motored to Downey on Mon- 9 day, Sept. 3, and from thcro to tho homo of Mr. Frank Koblnson, where M they spent some time In looking over a his dairy herd with a vlow of making .1 a purchase. From Downey Mr. T. H. M Reeso took a train to Idaho Falls, & where ho spent two days In visiting ! friends. Tho others returned Mon- ! day evening. Tho road was rather ! rough in places. A construction company Is working on the road this ', aldo of Downey. Several steam threshers were at ; work up through that country, and r tho stand of grain is being reduced by several headers and combined harvesters. Tho number of haystacks M give promise of a better supply of I feed tho coming winter than last winter. Bishop and Mrs. Howard Reese and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reeso went to Malad recently on a visit to seo the bishop's brother 'and family and to get his mother, who had been up ii .there on a visit. The bishop's bro- U thor had Just sustained a heavy loss H In having several acre3 of wheat de- f 'stroyed by hail. On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Ballard, Jr., motored to Preston !to see relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reeso, Jr., of Whitney came down Saturday night Li-Land spent over Sunday with their parents j They are going to move to Clifton soon, whero Mr. Reese has been ongnged to teach school. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reese and s their two" children came down from Weston In their now Hudson Super-Six Super-Six and spent Sunday with their parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cranney of Burley, Ida., and their sisters, Mrs. Vera Brlggs and Mrs. Williams, camo down from Logan Monday and spent the day visiting their aunts, Mrs. It. V. and Mrs. A. V. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. George Cowley had relatives spend Sunday at their homo. Two of our popular young people, Miss Edna Tarbet and Mr. Otto Beut-ler, Beut-ler, will soon be united In marriage. Mr. James Thaln has exchanged his Pullman for an Oldsmobllo. Mr. W. J. Funk has exchanged his Oakland for a 1918 model Buick. On Sunday Mr. Funk went to Preston Pres-ton In tho Interest of the West Cache canal, which had two bad breaks In It on Saturday night. A force of men aro now at work on the canal repairing repair-ing these breaks. I Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Roundy and . their ramlly returned to Roy this ' morning aftor spending a few days ' In Benson. Lorenzo camo up to look for a place to buy, as he has sold his farm and home In Roy. Wo hope he ' will find a place In Benson and make his home with us again. s |