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Show THE UTAH WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Ogdcn Is to have another modern school. Two sugar companies pay out $1,-000,000 $1,-000,000 in IJox Elder Count). Tho Alta Peruvian Mine has been averaging $20 to $25 ore. There are but two cases which contrlbuto to dereliction in public office Ignorance and crookedness. Sometimes theso are hard to distinguish dis-tinguish one from the other. In either case, however, publicity Is tho only agency that will effectually protect pro-tect tho public. This tho ignorant, but honest, official will welcome. It Is only tho crook who opposes It. Parowan, Mont., Times. The South Hecla mlno Is showing a big body of sulphide ore. $240,000 was paid on tho second pay day to tho beet growers of Spanish Fork. A largo force of men aro at work building the winter barracks at Fort Douglas. Tho Utah Copper Company for tho last quarter produced 54,990,468 pounds. Alta railroad company opens six miles of track to passengers. Cedar City and Kanarra Boys and Girls' Club have a net profit ot $4,615.88 for th? past summer. A 45 mile telephone line between Stockmoro and Park City Is completed. com-pleted. Electric street lighting system haB been installed at Enterprise. A 25 foot vein of potash was found in Dill Nye mine. The big Iron mine at Hyrum is to bo opened up. Tho Delta sugar beet factory is cutting 1200 tons a day. Washington Avenue bltullthlc paving pav-ing is going down In Salt Lake. D. & H. G. Itallroad shops nnd tracks are to be enlarged at Salt Lake City. Potash plant at Marjsvale is being be-ing rushed to completion. Richmond Company will build a concrete warehouse In Salt Lake. Tintlc Standard mine reports the greatest strike in Its history. The Globe mine at Lehl, has opened open-ed a largo body of rich ore. Gilford PInchot, changes front, after af-ter holding up power development for ten j-cars urges Immediate passage pass-age of bills under which capital will Invest, thus saving fuel supplies. Tho Oregon Short Lino will save all tics tor fuel. Sevier Land and Water Company are soiling $750,000 bonds to make Improvements. Western mines representing an output of $700,000,000 lead and sliver ask the government to fix tho prices of both metals. Utah and Idaho sugar manufacturers manufactur-ers nre now helping to relievo the eastern shortage as well ns preventing prevent-ing sugar famine In the west. Salt Lake bank and clearings continue con-tinue to Increase showing growth of city and country. The sugar beet hanest has brought great prosperity to Cacho Valley. Tho Coalville mlno Is working full tlmo nnd nro producing the maximum maxi-mum amount. 237 cars of coal are passing dally over tho Soldier Summit from southern south-ern Utah mines. Dig ore bodies nre handled with olectrlc power In Copper llranch mines. Hlch galena ore Is being taken from tho Miller mine, at American Pork. Columbus Hex mlno aro blocking ore at threo places, at Alta. Faco of 21 foot of $65 oro opened In tho Standard strlko at TIntic. High taxes, Increased cost of fuol and supplies, Increased wages, full crow laws anil kindred problems will force an increase In railroad rates the E,inio ns changed conditions havo forced Increased prices and wages In all lines. Ogdcn capitullsls will orect a now sugar factory In Montana during tho coming season, nrrangements having boon mado by Loroy II. Ecclcs, gon-oral gon-oral manager ot tho Amalgamated Sugar Company, for tho building of a plant at Whltohall, Jefferson County, Coun-ty, Montana. Thlf will bo tho eleventh elev-enth plant of tho Amalgamated Company. Com-pany. Electrical workeis threaten to tlo up Utah Industries, Salt Lako laud owners plan to ro-clalm ro-clalm 20,000 acres west of tho city Hooper road Is to bo built, It will, cost $32,818. J Novada men will build an oil shalo I rcflnory In Utnh. High school studonts earn $8,-084 $8,-084 8S during vacation. A fifty year olectrlc franchlso was granted tho Southern Utah Power Company by Millard County The people of Parowan nro boost- lng for a sugar factory for 1919. President Doran ot tho Colorado Manufacturers Association hits the nail on the head when he saj-s that his organization has so much constructive con-structive work to do thnt it cannot afford to waste time on those who employ destructive or negative tactics. tac-tics. That Is why business men dread the Tarmers' Non-Partisan League with Its elaborate program of public ownership which takes tho largest Industries off the tax rolls and unloads on the taxpayers new burdens of taxation and bond Issues. Increasing sugar beet acreage and sugar manufacture In Utah should bo given every encouragement and adequato labor supplies assured by the state. |