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Show I ' f " THE LO'GAN REPUBLICAN 1; Published liy Tho 'ltTn'UIU.ICAN I'l'llMSIIIMl COMPANY' k ' Logan Utah H ' H. DULLHN President and L'dttor M J. C. ALL UN, JH Secretary and Manager M y jt'ntored nt tho Post Office ovory Tuesday, Thursdny H '-and Saturday, at Logan, Utah, as second-class matter Subscription Hate lljr Mull One Year $3.00 M -Slx Months 1.50 M , "" VThreo Months 75 H Subscription Hates lly Cnirlcr M Ono Year $3.50 M l Six Months 1.75 M , Three Months 00 H k ' If not paid In advance add fifty cents per year extra H i . H Subscribers wishing tho address of their paper H changed will pleaso give their former as well ns their H present address. All papers aro continued until H ' explicit order is received by us to discontinue. Alt H arrears must ba paid In this case. |