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Show NOTicr, or m:cnivi:it's sam: ov IJCOXO.MY SUI'IMiY COMPANY OK I. Mi AS, UTAH. 13, J. Droberg, ns recolvor of tho Economy Supply Company, Logan, Utah, offers for sale at Its offlco at the place of business of tho said Economy Supply Company, In Logan City, Utah, on tho Cth day of October, Oc-tober, 1917, at two o'clock p. m., tho stock of dry goods, knit goods, mack-inaws, mack-inaws, crockery and groceries, together to-gether with tho fixtures formerly owned by the said Economy Supply Company. Dlds for tho nbovo stock and fixtures, fix-tures, as a whole or separately, will bo considered on said sale day, and bidders will be required to first deposit de-posit with tho nsslgneo a certified check of nt least $500, which will be teturned If tho bid of tho person depositing tho same Is not accepted, or If said bid Is accepted said sum will bo applied to the purchase prlco of tho property purchased. This stock of merchandise and fixtures fix-tures may be seen at the placo of business of tho Economy Supply Company Com-pany nt any tlmo between now and tho dato of said sale date, at which times an attendant will ho In chargs to answer questions concerning tho stock and fixtures. Tho receiver reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For further Information concerning concern-ing this stock, communlcato with E. J. Ilrobcrg, receiver, at tho placo of business of tho Economy Supply Company, Logan City, Utah. E.,J. nitOUERG, Receiver of Economy Supply Company. Com-pany. adv. 10-5. !: MISCELLANEOUS FOIl RENT OR SALE Flno, now bungalow, containing 4 rooms, sleeping sleep-ing porch, basement, strictly modern, nlco location. Inquire 591 North Main. r. A. Neuberger. 9-22. FOR RENT Furnished nnd un-furnlshiHl un-furnlshiHl rooms. Inqulro 285 South Main. 3.o0i For Sale Small Pigs, Phono R. L. Allen, Preston exchange tf. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished unfurn-ished rooms. Phono 720. tf. FOR RENT C-room modern house, closo In. Phono C22-J-2. tf. WANT TO SELL 17 acroa of land 'n Lovvlston, 20 acres of beet land, 17 acres good alfalfa or grain land; 80 acros of dryfarm land, 3 miles west of Preston; 10 acres of good Irrigated Ir-rigated land at Franklin; good homo at Franklin. All must bo sold at aomo prlco. For Information and tortus, boo R. O. Hatch, Lovvlston, Utah. 9.30. FOR SALE 3-year-old mare. Halter Hal-ter broko. Good work animal. Phono 48 for particulars. tf. One hundred fifty thousand dollar! dol-lar! to loan on farm and city property. proper-ty. H. A. redorson & Co. adv. tf. H 1 1 Recoiftt-meiid Peruna Xo H ' k$3Hft&w& i Do I -H Sufferers 'jmmk Nr7 1 Of Catarrh WM ; BbRF m . , , !!,yrtl0 ?'- Uovorl-. Mass., wrltos: "I H . Wmv ' Think T hnvo tnlton four "Qttlos of Peruna, H , , Oj fe - ond I can say that !t has dono mo H ' i PPsl 3? !- ,. Croat deal of good for catarrh of H kS.J.v llVCr 1 CI I 10 '"'"1 and throat I rccommwid B V,lEl-- Peruna to all sufforers with catarrh B I : gi ' Miirh ! Uu n.oi ,hln, ' over folt mcn bet- H ' JksSsv v mUL1-' tor, ' am realy surprised at tin H mfM- B -,-. WOru ' can d0' ' d0 no' think too B I WS$$Zi& Better mueh pralso can be sald for Pena.' I Mrs. William H. machllffo. No. 20 tonWuSl ' By The House of KUPPENHEIMER Just now your young American is imbued with the military spirit-he wants his clothes to express it. The authoritative season's styles for young men at your Kuppenheimer store answer the call. Though wool is scarce, The House of Kuppenheimer has maintained its high quality in fabrics. The clothes-wise will head straight for their Kuppenheimer store this Fall. Suits, $22.50 to $45. Overcoats, $22.50 to $65. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, CHICAGO Originators of Fractional Sizes, the Foreward Model, etc. Makers of Regulation Officers Uniforms Uf book' "Styte3 tor Mon" ttom y"' Kuppenheimer aroro, or eend you, name to US HOWELL BROTHERS Logan's Foremost Clothiers |