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Show Marriage Of Popular Couple At Benson Ilenson, Seut. 20. Tho coromony uniting in marrlngo Mr. Otto Uoutler and Miss Zella Tarbot, vrns performed In tho Logan .tomplo on Wednesday. Tho best wishes of tho community go with these worthy young peoplo In their married llfo, wishing them all tho Joy and happiness that go with a congenial, conjugal companionship. Zella is tho daughter of ono of tho best men Ilenson ever had, Brother Nephl Tarbet, deceased, nnd Mrs. Deborah Tarbot, a most worthy lady. Otto is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Oott-frled Oott-frled Uoutler, good industrial peoplo and falthul Latter-day Saints who aro a honefit In aw community In which they might resido. Monday ovonlng, tho following' young peoplo gavo a showor on Miss Zella Tarbot, at which she was givon many useful presents: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Munk, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Funk, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Loo Itoese, Misses Ituby Roeso, Audrea and Ar-dolla Ar-dolla Munk, Edna Tarbot, Flora Beutler, Annlo McCullock, L. Itoso, and Mary J. Berry, and Messrs. Mol-vln Mol-vln Ballard, Bert and Louis Itlggs, Chas. L. Iteese and Cyril Munk. AHco and Itosa Ilooso and Lucllo Anderson started to tho Lowell school last Monday. Mr. W. II., son of Bishop Beese, has gone to Salt Lake to nttend tho university. Ho has registered to tako a courso In civil engineering. Supt. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen, Supt. Bay B. West, and Secy. F. L. Monson wero visitors at our Sabbath school last Sunday. Mrs. Bowen favored us with a song, which was much ap-preclted. ap-preclted. Several officers, teachers and members mem-bers of our Sabbath school wero In attendance at tho Y. M. M. I. con-foronco con-foronco and at tho funeral of Brother Hans Munk, which made tho attendance attend-ance far below averago, and we trust tho superlntendency will soon visit us again. Mr. and Mrs. James Thaln motored to Pocatello recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. neoso and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. neeso started on an auto trip south, Wednesday morning, to visit friends In Salt Lake and I'rovo and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Andor-son Andor-son at Fillmore. Mr. Joseph Painter of Logan, with his splendid steam thresher, Is bust- ly at work In Benson. Our schools opened on Soptember 10 with a fairly good attendance. Mr. Jcsso T. Reese and Miss Andrea Munk aro teaching In the Blverside school, and Mr. J. W. Seamons and Miss Leone noundy aro teaching In tho Benson Bchool. With tho exception excep-tion of Miss Munk, who will no doubt be a successful teacher, are all experienced ex-perienced teachers, who have given ho best of service in our district as well as In other places, and we are thankful they aro still with us. |