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Show HELP WIN JHE WAR Mr. Hoover says "Tho food supply will decide It." Last year wo had no apples; this year tho crop Is so abundant that tbo branches nr. breaking under their load. Next year wo nro likely not to havo nny, ns ono extreme seems to follow nnothor. A good supply of tho old fashioned applo butter will como In very handy when butter Is selling at ono dollar apound, as Is now predicted that It will. Tbo very ripe apples of which thero Is an abundance going to waste, aro Ideal for this purpose. Tho fall apples that will not keep over winter should and will bo peeled, cut and dried, If all aro united. Tho Ladlos' Unit, under tho direction of Mrs. Mary L. Hendrlckson, Is already at work In tho largo west room of tho bishop's building, nnd other units will bo organized In tho different wards and towns of tho county. Wo ask that all having fruit to sparo, any ladles willing to work, boys and girls who will pick nnd sack fruit, and men with teams and drays, will plcaso report to Mrs. Hendrlckson. Hendrlck-son. Telepbono No. 780. Room will bo open overy day. Como In nnd bring your friends nnd work. If only for nn hour or two. |