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Show LOGAN PEOPLE ASTONISHED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE Logan peoplo nro astonished at tho Instant a.-tlon of Blmplo Buckthorn bark glycerine, etc., ob mixed In Ad-lori-ka. ONE SPOONFUL removes such surprising foul matter I t relieves re-lieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, consti-pation, sour slomuch or gas. Uecause Adlor-lka acts on IlOTIl tho lower and upper bowel, a fow doses ofen rellovu or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach stom-ach trouble Tho City Drug Co. Adv. Wo havo somo old nowspapcrs wo ore Belling for Cc a bundlo, Just tho thing to Btnrt tho flro with. Our Want Ads arc business getters wmmmmmmmmmmammmimmmmmKjmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuammmm THE CARTOON TELLS THE STORY j IN EVERY town in the country you will find that the retail merchant in that town ; stands ready to duplicate any quotation made in the catalogs of the mail order j houses in most instances will do much better in fact, on the same character of merchandise if you will pay cash and accept inferior goods, upon which no reputable manufacturer's name is to be found, your local merchant will sell you for less money. It is a notorious fact that no reputable manufacturer will sell his output to the catalog houses. The only thing the mail order house is after is your money and the money k you send them goes out of your community forever. Your local merchant is in his f place of business every day of the year, ready to back up every article he sells. His II business is legitimate, the success of his business contributes to the general prosperity a of the entire community. This is the economic principle upon which the internal com- M merce of this country has been built. $ -- -- ----------- - I ThfiSP IVTfrrnant ann RiiainoeQ Man rf I nnan P'nrlskvxto fV i-j Logan Republican Community Building Campaign: J Shomhart-Christlansen. Evcrton & Sons, Hardware. Edwards Furnlturo, "Let Us Frath- ?3 Tho Bluebird. Logan Arms & Sporting Goods Co. er Your Nest." J$ Murduck Candy Company. Harris Music Company. Thatcher Music Company. f r3" Tho Anvrlcan Steam Laundry. Wilkinson & Son. U. O. Lumber Company. "S Lundstrora Furniture & Carpet Co Cache Valley Mercantile Co. Logan City Electric Plant. J Tho City Grocery. Tho Royal Hakery. Mrs. T. D. Roberts. J Cordon Jewelry Company. Cache Vnlloy Electric Co. A. II. Palmer & Sons. , UJ Hub Clothing Company. D. V. Anderson, Plumber. E. W. Lundahl & Sons. ) Thatcher Clothing Company. Ilolfsen Sporting Goods Co. J. P. Smith & Sou. y Moso Lewis Department Stora, Ideal Grocery. Co-op Drug Company. l S. E. Needham, Jeweler. Howell Ilrothers, Clothiers. Morrcll Clothing Company. 3jj V. F. Jensen Candy Company. Latount Hardware Company. City Drug Company. A- White Sewing Machino Company. H. G. Hayball Mercantile Co. Economy Supply Company. V n Cnll nt this olllco ond get r, big bundlo of old nowspapors for'fk nlckoL |