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Show I ; LOCAL NEWS) B A COLUMN OF WHICH EVEBY READER IS ASKED H TO CONSIDER HIMSELF OR HERSELF AN EDITOR .1 ;j m H A. D. Chnmbcrs, county clerk of B ' Cocho County, was reported dead In Logan yesterday morning, but upon H Investigation It wns found Hint tho H. t man wob very low, but was wot dead when wo went to press Inst evening. D Mr. Chambers took sick with Inllam-H Inllam-H a nintory rheumatism about six wceWi H ago. His condition became worse EJ j until he took nn attack of typhoid fo-fol fo-fol vcr and for several day b ho has been K In a most critical condition His mt f friends and relatives have practical- ' jy given up tho fight for life. Alma I I . Mathews, deputy clerk was at tho 5 ' bedside of Mr. Chambers last even-J, even-J, V Ing and says he has little hopes for h I tho llfo of the Blck man. i 1 Chicken thieves are reported to havo boon operating late last Satur- J day night. Two coops wero robbed Hn of their young feathered flocks ao- ) cording to reports which have reach-I reach-I j :d this offlco. am g i Two and ono half hours' to Ideal HI Beach on beautiful Bear Lake Hj through, the famous Logan canyon. H .' The 'area of the Bear Lake is 140 V I square miles. Altttudo 6924 feet, ell- Hj j mate Is Ideal, being cool, clear, re- Hj t freshing and invigorating. Adv tf H; ' Yesterday being Labor Day, busl- Hj i r.ess was suspended In Logan and tho H j laboring people, except tho nowspa,- H per men and tho bootblacks, took a H j day of rest. Many went Into the can- H yon while others stayed about tho Hj I home, where many a husband took Hj tho opportunity offered by the occa- Hj slon to get acquainted with his fam- I , Hj , Bargains in second hand Fords. H Kimball Auto Co. Adv. tt Hj j C. H. Anderson, principal of the HJ I Richmond schools, passed through Lo- HJ ?.-.n, last Saturday ovenlng on his HJ j way to Richmond. Mr. Anderson has HJ been spondlng bis summer at Thlstlo HJ I nnd is returning to Cache Valloy .Just HJ soon enough to get married before HJ tho opening of school. Mr. Anderson HJ Is to marry Miss Jcsslo Hendricks of HJ Itlclimond next week. HJ Lawn tennis at Ideal Beach, Two HJ and a naif hours from Logan-r- j Adv. '-V A wreck of tho freight train on tho O. L. & I. Railway Company, occurred last Saturday night botwedn Richmond and Merrill's Spur and as a result, all passengers both to and from Preston bad to be transferred. The passengers would get off tho car and walk about a block through tho darkness and tall weeds to get to tho car on the opposlto end of tho freight train. The wreckage was cleared away by Sunday morning nnd traffic was again resumed without Interruption. Interrup-tion. If you want all of tho pleasures of an ocean resort without any of tho dangers visit Ideal Beach. Two and a half hours from Logan. Adv. tf E J. Norton, secretary to Supt. E. Q. Gowans of tho state schools, was In Logan over tho week end. IJe re-'turned re-'turned to Salt Lake Saturday evening. even-ing. Wo tlx anything. We can open any lock and Dt a key to it. DeSandors Bicyclo & Novelty WoTks. Adv. 9-5 Tho work Is progressing nicely on tho street paving on South Main street. Tho preliminary work of putting in the curbs and culverts Is practically completed and the ground prepared on tho east side of the street for the laying of concrete.. w Miss Clara M. Kremer, primary supervisor su-pervisor of tho county schools, has Just returned from Columbia University Univers-ity whero she has been attending summer school. Miss Kremer had courses at Columbia University with tho best primary experts in the country. coun-try. She reports having a very enjoyable en-joyable and profitable trip. L. S. Glllham, advertising and publicity expert, with olllces at Salt Lake City, has mado tho opening announcement an-nouncement regarding tho new features fea-tures at tho slate fair this Beason. First Class cafo at Ideal Beach. Adv. tf Robert Murdock Jr., manager of tho Murdock Candy Company, has Just closed a deal whereby Adolph Wurston takes possession of tho Murdock Mur-dock Candy parlors at Lewlston. Lost strayed or Btolcn Saturday night four Rhode Island Reds and flvo Plymouth Rock chickens, ono wing of each chicken cut. Any Information In-formation nn to whereabouts, report to this olllco and rccelvo reward. Adv. 0-6 T, K. Obra.v, ono of tho leading sheepmen of this valley, was In Logan Lo-gan last Saturday making arrangements arrange-ments to ship two thousand head nf good lambs from tho local station. Mr. Obray says his lambs this year aro fat and nro among tho very host tho local range over produced. Ho oxpects to mako his first shipment on 'Soptember 12. JOHN L. BAXTER HAS PURCH-ASED PURCH-ASED THE ENTIRE STOCK CF THE HENDRY CLOTHING COMPANY COM-PANY MEN'S AND BOYS READY-MADE READY-MADE 8UITS WILL BE SOLD AT INVOICE COST; ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF SHOES, SHIRTS, HATS, UNDERWEAR, ETC. NOW 18 YOUR CHANCE TO GET YOUR SCHOOL 8UPPLIES. SALE BEGINS BE-GINS TUESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER SEP-TEMBER fl. FIRST DOOR EAST OF CACHE VALLEY BANK. Adv. Miss Stella Pontl will bo tho solo-1st solo-1st oach evening this week from S:30 until 11:30 at Murdook's. Adv. Don't walk, life's too short. Let DeSanders, the bicycle man, fix you up with a high, grade easy running bicycle. Oct lots -of. exercise nnd. fresh air. Adv. 'J-3f T. J. Upton, local agent for tho Wells Fargo Express Is checking up his office In order to turn it over to W. J. Hall of Bingham. Mr. Upton Up-ton has been ordered to Prcscot, Arizona, Ari-zona, to open up a new agency nt that place. Ho has got tho local office of-fice well organized and In good woik-Ing woik-Ing order, the duty he was sent heie to perform. Get your clothes dry clcanod and pressed. Logan Cleaning and Tailoring Tailor-ing Co. Adv. tf Mr. Walter K. Hill, editor of Fair News, Now York, has written for an extra copy of the Cache County Fair premium list as ho desires to publish what Is said In 'regard to preparing and making an exhibit in tho horticultural horti-cultural department. Mr. Hill says that these suggestions aro excellent and ho desires that other fair managers mana-gers shall recelvo tho opportunity to read them. This part of tho premium list was made up by Dr. L. D. Batch-elor, Batch-elor, formerly of the Utah Agricultural Agricultur-al College. Who cleans and presses your clothes? Logan Cleaning and Tailor-Ing Tailor-Ing Co. Adv. tf |