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Show CLOTHES AND WORK. Tho demand among a certain typo of men for cleun handed polite Jobs is ofte commented upon. They will nccept low pay if tho work seems of n gentlemanly type whero they can keep their cuffs clean. Thoy dislike Plunging Into tho vital processes ot a factory. They would havo to wear overalls. That there aro somo women who entertain similar Ideas was suggested by the remark of a fashionable dress maker the othor day. She does business bus-iness in n good sized city, employing some 15 girls. "They come to tho shop" she Bald, "In dellcato light gowns. Theso would bo appropriate to attend afternoon tea In. Ilut they do not fit In my work on dark colored cloth with lint or coloring matter that rubs off. Thoy kick at using such material. Hut I have to wear dark clothes my self, In which I can handle anything. Also their hands aro so carefully maulcured that they don't Hko to get them soiled." Probably theso girls deslro to appear ap-pear on tho streots as If thoy wore ladles of leisure. If they dressed Hko working girls, thoy might meet some of their swell friends. Tho majority of business girls havo no such falso affectations. Thoy go to their work simply dressed, seeking to nvold rather than draw attention, Uut thero nro others who nro affected by tlio wealth and false standards of tho tlmos. Their work Is not their first aim In life. Their hearts aro Bet on attracting attention, getting ahead socially, becoming lntlmato with Society peoplo. Young womon of this typo defeat their onw ends. Thoy aro disliked by their employers ;Tiid aro accepted only for lack of moro cftlclont service. ser-vice. Thoy get few ndvancos In wages and when thero Is n chance for promotion, thoy nro passed by. |