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Show TEN NEVERS FOR PARENTS In tho "Interesting Peoplo" department depart-ment in tho February American Maga-zlne Maga-zlne appears a romarkable article ff about a twejvo-year-old wonder child, living In Pittsburg, named Winifred 3 Sackvillo Stoner., This llttlo girl Is already an accomplished scholar. She spoaks eight languages, is an author, and teaches at Carneglo Institute. Sho can make speeches In various languages beforo largo audiences, has written nnd staged plays, often plays In concerts upon both the violin nnd piano, has beaten champions playing hess, can row, fence, swim, rldo horseback, skate, play ball, cook sew, and execute. fancy dances. Her mother moth-er attributes hor unusual development to "natural education." Following are ton NEVERS which Mrs. Stoner has adopted In tho rearing of childron: "Novor glvo physical punishment. Never say 'Don't.' Nevor say 'Must.' Nover lot a child say 'I can't.' Never refuse to answor any of tho child's questions. Never tease or rldlculo a child. Nover allow a child to lose self respect or respoct for his parents. par-ents. Never scold a child. i Novor allow any othor spot to bocomo more attractive than homo." |