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Show PRES. WADDUPS AT THE COVE I CONFERENCE I Covo, Feb. 4. Ward conference H was hold at Covo last Sunday, Janu- M ary 31. President Waddoups of Uio H stake presidency being In attendance. H Ho was nccompanled by a -number H of tho lilgh touucll. Tho many re- ports woro listened to with pleasure. M Most of them showed Improvement H over last year, whllo all showed room H for Improvement. Tho visiting broth- H 'on gave many encouraging remarks H and oxortatlons for tho welfaro of H tho ward. Thoy especially commend- ,H ed tho work of the choir which sang H a number of oxcollont so'cctlons. H Tho choir membors aro proparlng H a drama which thoy will present on H Friday, Tebruary D. This promisos to M bo one of the attractions of tho sea- H son. Thoso taking jiart lu it have M all had expcrlonco in that lino of bH work, so all aro looking forward to IHI a good evening's entertainment. A 9H matinee will b0 glvon nt 3 o'clock on M Friday to accommodato tho aged and Hfl children, VswJ A few cases of whooping cough has H boon in our midst. Thoso afflicted iVfl will Boon bo around again. B KB |