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Show PROFESSOR' SEE- I GIVES TALK TO " THEJTUDENTS I Iron and Steel Are Very Ably iiiifl Discussed. Illustrates His H Remarks -LLl iH Prof. Howard Seo, of tho National il Steam Roller Mills, gavo an l'.luu- H trntod lecturo to tho entlro student 'bifl body of tho U. A. C. Friday morn- "spl lug nt tho regular chapol hour. iH Professor Seo cisctmscd tho man- (iifl ufneturo of iron nnd compared it with iiH stcol, showing that comparatively i pur0 iron lasts much longer than -!l steel. Mr. See callod attention to lpH tho (act that slnco 1850 has boon ! known as tho ago of steel bocaur.o J this was about tho tlmo that Sir iH Henry Bessemer doveloped his pro- J cess for tho manufacturing of stcol. This discovery of Bessemer' was i largely responslblo for tho qencrnl Industrial development that follorcd. H "Puro Iron Is much hotter than M steel," said Professor Seo, hut It Is H harder nnd moro oxponslvo to miuni- H fneture, nevertheless wo must revert H to Iron of lusting qualities aro to bo 'fH expected and required. Tho old (io- 1 cosh is mush to expensive but In H 100S-9 a proccsR was dovelopol th.it H makes it posslblo to manufacture H Iron for commercial purposes in laico H quantities nt reasonable prices," H Tho profOBsor then showed in I'lO H slldo Illustrations of Iron and ntcel H arttclos and in each caso the Iron was B seen to bo In a bettor state of proser- H vatlon that tho stool, not only when' H oxposuro had boon for the e.imo H length of tlmo, but nls0 when tho H Iron had boon In uso two or thro 3 B times as long as the steel. H Tho procofls for manufacturing-Iron H wns oxplalned stop by stop and tho H Importnnt thing that tho Jianufac- H turors guard against la small dofo us H In tho iro"nTuAil of It is severely test- H ed "before beings placed on thg mar- ket. The uso of comparatively pure M iron that Is Iron containing from IS M to 25' por ecnt of ono per cent lm- , 4H purities, Is coming wldrd,- Into ii0 M nnd the speaker Miowoi picture of H buildings that cuntalncd iron window H frames, Iron lath. M "Tho uso of Iron for corrugated cul- H verts Is largely responslblo for tho H Impetus to this Industry," said Mr. M See. He also stated that United M States Reclamation Service has plac- H ed about a hundred miles of Iron H flumos In tho west. -.,,..... H .f - sssssssl |