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Show BBBB BBBB! t f ' BBBBH ; Upholstering Furniture B n Repair Shop B Upholstering, Furniture, Stoves, BBBB lluggy Tops, Picture frames nnd BBBBJ Doll Turutturo mudo.to order. BBBBE Will tako second hand furnlturo BBBBB as pay for BBBBT House painting, knlsomlnlng, wall BBBBJ1 J paper sold und paper hanging. All BBBBJ work guaranteed. BBBBE ) Phono BBBBBJ 38 NORTH FIRST WEST ST. Bfflffl - y H 100 A YEAR DIVIDENDS! M CAN EASILY BE MADE. B ' MOTION PICTURES Oioatost business on earth for making mono). BflBBB fA I-ct your money bring )ou In a good living. A fow shares loft for BBBfl ' E'e In what will bo ono of tho biggest companies in tho countiy. B Writo today for lull particulars. SATCIIWA FILM CORPORATION, Bflflflflj Mining Exchnngo Uulldlng, Salt Lnko City, Utnh. B Tllls clly an(1 surroundings will bo usod for backgrounds In making Bflflflflj 4' Pictures. Rlggost advertisement i tho world. Money cquld not buy BBBBBJ It. Support the homo company t Shara In Uiov?great protlts. BBB3 - " ; 7 H '' iBl BB 'tJBBm. BBBBET (SBBbBsBjl BBBYflto BBffBFBfBHBB BBBBBELiBBBBBBBKBBESit ' bbbjhbe'sbbbbbb? bbbbbbbbBjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbptbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj i ; Classified j FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS at " G4 East Ccntor. Phono 44GJ; also infs for students. tf i' l lWNlSllbD HUOMS for complete I housekeeping, prlco ?8. 58 East Third I South, phono 7C8. I ' FOR SALE I 300 No. 1 WHITE CEDAR POSTS A : Phono 703J. 2-27 'IKw ' OOOD BUILDING LOT, 4V4xl8 I rods, closo to car lino. $300. tt I WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN a 110 I volt washing mnchlno motor. Seo I r'ML'onn Pr-hnub. tihono 3S0J. tf I , WANTED TO BUY from owner for I cash, 3 room modern homo or build- I ,Ing lot on corner, closo In; must bo I ft bargain. Writo P. O. box 203, Lo- I gnn. 2-U I DAIRY COWS FOR SALE Flvo I head pure bred Jerseys not register- I cd, ono grado Jersey; two grade I calves. Your choice for $100. Tho I herd for $450. W. R. Horno, Mill- I vlllo, Utah. 2-3- WANTED I WANTED Young men over 21 to I distribute a now educational work, I This is tho best offer In years and W an exceptional opportunity to make I good money. Rand McNally & Co., I Dept. Blt Chlcogo, 111. I WANTED HOUSEWORK OF ANY I kind. Mrs. Edwin Currell, 591 East I Ninth North. Phono William Currel, fl 456w. I MISCELLANEOUS H TO LOAN, to private parties, somo I 10 and 12 per cont monoy on good; I security; no commission. Writo box, I 203, Logan. 2-U M m Bi Olofson Brothers T Bottlers of Extracts I All flavors, including the following: I I !, Vanilla Lemon Orange I Strawberry Rose Almond Maple Pineapple Carried in Stock by all Merchants We are also manufacturers of Bottled Soda Water. Cur line of fountain Syrups end Crushed Fruits is always complete '' r Headquarters for Carbonic Gas . Olofson Brothers I 27 West 1st North, LOGAN, UTAH jC. SI. Rand I will be in Logan at I Thatcher Stables Wednesday, February 10th To buy ?---- '' " - I Horses EVBylesj Weighing 1250 to 1600 pounds j Grille In your horses and pt this Kansas Money I |