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Show I TOO READY IN ARGUMENT. Scotchman Over Eager to Prove His Innocence. ! "I.ord Hurnhani," said an American I Journalist, "presided at the recent on-j on-j nual dinner In London of tho News-j News-j paper Fund. Ho told a number of I stories. I "One thing he paid was that, on a I Ashing trip In Scotland, he set oflt on i n cortaln morning with n large lunch-! lunch-! eon basket. Intending to bo gout for ' tho day. Ho fished tilt noon. l'lieu hunger seized him. At tho same time, too, he recalled the fact that he had left Ms luncheon at the fool o a cliff on the load, where ho had stopped stop-ped to rest. "Tho cliff was two miles back, but tho hungry lord set out fur It on n fast walk. On the way ho met a shabbily shab-bily dressed Scot. " 'Did you.' ho asked, 'find anything on the load as you came along?' " 'Na,' said the Scot. 'Na: not I. I Could na a stray dog ha found and I eaten It?' " |