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Show another' !jH HOSPITAL WM In course of opening 'tiifl in Logan City. -;'iiH The Roberts property Iih on 1st North. ,H The latest news of Intcicst hi a local A ! way is that the T. I). Roberts man- i ;j IH slou on First North street, Logan, '"flk is to be converted Into an "Invalid's ilfflH Homo" or Hospital, in fact has al- ff 11 leady been so converted, containing i flkl two patients at the piesent time and . ! ftftfl will be the scene or a very dilllcult ' operation lodaj. H Ul This highly valuable addition to the l!H commendable Institutions or the val- 'IJfH ley Is in the hands or Mis. J. A. Mc- jil Causlaud, the estimable wife of Lo- ifllfehl gan's well known dentist. Mrs. Mc- lI'lBI Causlaud has leased tho Roberts prop- 'nlilH city for live years and will add to Its 41k many excellent conveniences the few nl that arc necessary to convert this "In- lll to a most desirable institution for the i fH cure or auilctcd people. This prg;;- , 'IIH city contains seventeen largo welt. H lighted looms, ai ranged convciilctly, ' Pkfl has water connections and two nicely iPJI titled bathiooms. All ceilings aro !lifjH high, liuishiiigs done nicely, and the ttllH situation, 21 blocks from the post- ill olllce, leaves nothing to be desired 1 ijl along this line. Convenience Is com jll blned with contort in this instance, fl the building being not too far from the I Vt center of the city, and .vet far enough 'tll to avoid the dKcoidant noises of bust- i , j life. I j 1 It is Mrs. McCauslaud's intention to ; ( llH peimit all physicians of this county i'U the use of the hospital, there being no tfl ravoritism. Any persons desiring to go llftH to a hospital to bo treated rather than '?fl ii'inain at home where conveniences , pftftj and peccssaiy coirUorts arc not easily , jpi obtained may be removed to this in- 'j stitutlon and there receive the ticat- BaaJ ment of their lcgular physician or fH suigcon under the most favorable clr- ' pB cumslaiices. 'H Without dectjlng the worth of any llaaj other institution in the city, it may X.lpaaaB be said that this new hospital should faa and no doubt will piovcof luesthiia- 'IkH ble bcnellt to tho physicians and their rV patients, and under the supervision of JH such a lady as Mrs. McCausland Is IhU known to be can not but prove an ac- 'llVI ceptable place to tho allllcted. That uYJ this, with all other institutions of the . IHHJ valley that leads toward the hotter- faHj mentor health, wealth and moials, HHJ may boa splendid success is the wish ' BaH the Tin: Rkpuiiliuan. ' ftaflj |