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Show NEW ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE Establishment for Medical Research to Be Most Complete on Earth What Its Projectors Hope to Accomplish Probably no announcement of corresponding cor-responding importance over created moro general Interest In tho medical profession thuu u modest notlco which crept Into print a few days ago, stating stat-ing that plans for the new Rockefeller Institute for Medical Itosearch the largest Institution of its kind In tho world, and for which John L). Itocko-(ollcr Itocko-(ollcr already has contributed fl,250,-000 fl,250,-000 havo breii filed with tho Now York Department of Public Buildings. Slnco then work upon tho oxcavatlons has begun. Tho contrnl laboratory will havo n 3Cl-foot frontage on Sixty-seventh Btreet nnd n depth of 230 feet, extending extend-ing south. It will bo live stories In height, with a facade of Vermont or Massachusetts llmeHlono nnd terra cotta brick, decorated with pilasters of stone, nnd having a porch cntrnnco supported by ornamental columns. As tho main purpose of tho Institution Institu-tion will bo to experiment on nnlmnls, and as It is Intended to havo largo numbers of animals, ranging from tho domestic cnt and dog to tho monkey, reptile, nnd their kindred of tho wild, special provision has been mado to maintain a temperature In each caso to accord with tho climate to which tho various species aro accustomed. As tho reptile tribe requires warmer woathcr than domesticated nnlmnls, n tomncruturo of 65 decrees will ho maintained for them tho yenr round. Tho satno rule will bo observed with rabbits, tigers, and other herbivorous nnd carnivorous beasts. What 1b called tho combustion room, together with tho mnchlno room, a largo operating hall, and quarters for tho assistant directors will occupy most of tho second floor, whllo tho third floor will bo devoted to a special spe-cial study and laboratory for tho directors, di-rectors, with minor laboratories and itcrlllzlng rooms for special operations opera-tions and experiments. Itosearch rooms, special laboratories, laborato-ries, an Incubator, which will bo tho a roof garden with cagos for Buch animals an-imals as may bo in condition or accustomed ac-customed to llvo In tho open air, Supt. Flexner has for years been Identified with tho Johns Hopkins university, uni-versity, nnd It was as a trlbuto to his brilliant record thoro that tho Standard Stan-dard Oil mngnnto choso him to havo tho active management of tho Itocko-roller Itocko-roller Institute. Its president Is Prof. William H. Welch, nlso of Johns Hopkins Hop-kins university, and tho other officers nro vlco president, T. Mitchell Prud-den Prud-den of Columbia university, and secretary, secre-tary, L. Emmutt Holt. Early and oxhaustlvo experiments will bo mndo In seeking a remedy for dysentery. "In order," said nn eminent emi-nent New York physician who will bo Identified with tho now Institution, "that experiments may bo mado wlu tho greater accuracy, It Is planned to havo soveral monkeys ns patients as soon as tho bulldlngH aro ready for occupancy. Special attention will bo paid to milk and water supplies, as It Is believed that tho prlmo sourca of this dlbenso is In milk nnd wntcr. "It has been demonstrated that a simian, when fed on bread and milk rarely lives over threo or four years, and frequently only a yenr. On a normally nor-mally healthful diet such animals should live from twcnty-flvo to thirty years nt least. Yet wo find that tho monkey In captivity Is prono to tuber ,KAftOlATO.Y AVIIP1HC ,....- KbtrtLUft INlTLTVJt KtTffitlli 111 111 fill SSiSSTiiBw- IS' largest and most Improved In oxlst-onco, oxlst-onco, and two general laboratories, will bo on tho fourth floor. Admirably located on tho fifth and top floor of tho main building will bo tho photographic photo-graphic galleries and storages for negatives, It being Intended to pic-turo pic-turo each and every Important experiment ex-periment or operation mado on tho promises. Tho rcmnlnder of tho upper up-per floor will bo dovoted to tho attendants at-tendants and their families. Out to tho lay, as well as professional, profession-al, mind special Interest centers In tho animal houso, or hospital. As previously pre-viously stated, tho animal houso will be heated to varying tomporaturos, In accordanco with Its specific animal patients as they como and go are cured or killed. In tho center of tho building will bo a largo pool, or tank of graded depth, whero tho largo animals ani-mals will bo bathed. Provision Is mado for douche, Turkish and other baths, ono of tho early experiments bolng tho wntcr euro for all sorts of skin or oruptlvo affections. Mr. Itockcfellor Is a great bellovor in frequent and thorough bathing ns a proventlvo ns well as n euro for many primary diseases, explained an InBtltuto official, and It Is In accordance accord-ance with his rcquost that a goodly quantity of mineral waters, both hot and cold, will bo lnstnlled In tho animal ani-mal houso, to bo used In oxhaustlvo experiments on tho lower animals. In ono corner of tho two-story building build-ing will bo nn Inoculation room, with a drying cago and laboratory adjoining. adjoin-ing. Preparatory apartments and n sterilizing hall will lead Into tho mnln operating room, leaving tho ontlro roar portion of tho building to bo occupied oc-cupied by tho cages. From tho granolithic grano-lithic floors to tne stono and steel walls of theso cagos nothing will bo overlooked In mnklng thom cleanly nnd supromoly comfortnhlo for thoir Intended hnbltants. Indeed, as much caro will bo takon with theso patients aa wltli thoso in tho various public and prlvato hospitals over tho city. Tho nnlranl hospital will bo SO feet In depth and 40 feet wldo. It will havo culosis, his diet consisting generally of bread nnd milk, as with children. In this wild stato tho monkey has of nil animals the hardiest constitution, liut ns his captors loso no tlmo In substituting sub-stituting nrtlflclnl for natural food, Instead In-stead of grains, vegetables, and fruits, bread Is given him to cat and milk to drink, ono drop of which contains moro tubcrculo than many miles of climate cli-mate Hcnco nn oxhaustlvo research will bo mado to dotormlno tho exact danger of raising children on a bread nnd milk diet. "Our researches will embrace phar-' phar-' macology ami therapeutics as woll as nominal and pathological physiology, and many of tho foromoet scientists of tho day will bo attached to tho Institute In-stitute whon It Is completed." Soveral leading physicians and sur- ' gcons havo Indorsed thb Uockofollor Instltuto as providing a long felt want In tho battlo of man ngalnst dlseaso, nnd thoy expect somo of tho most Important Im-portant questions of mntorla modlca to bo answered by It. I Veiling this now and novel as woll as costly Institution Is ono of the few tragedies In this llfo of tho Standard Oil king which havo ovor como to light. For It Is as a monument to the momory of llttlo John Rockefeller Mc-Cormlck, Mc-Cormlck, his baby grandson, who dlod somo thrco years ago of summer complaint com-plaint that tho Instltuto for Medical Research has been founded. Docplto tho best medical attention that monoy ' could provide, all tho artificial as woll as natural agencies known In coping with this fatal dlseaso, tho favorite grandson of the multimillionaire sue- cumbed. liollovlng that a euro should and could bo found for this ailment and sequential to his personal Investlga- ' tlon, Mr. Rockefeller two years ago decided to found nnd endow an Institution Insti-tution for purposes of research In this unknown, region of materia modlca. Now York Times. |