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Show I QSely TjplcDtsInf ectants . -1 , i, . Now the Typhoid fovcr is I opedcmlc. ' Drains; Closets tH stables, etc, should bo disinfected. Wo oiler I all Kinds at prices that H ou oan allord to use them freely. H Chloride of Lime I Carbolic Acid Fcrnaldehyile Sulphur Copperas are those most generally used I Call In and we would be pleased to advise you concerning the most effective use of same. I RITER BROS,' DRUG GO, Looan, Utah I Franklin, Preston and Mont- pcllcr, Idaho J: Generalities. W V C. V. Hansen general painter. 75tf Esdras Jones, a well-to-do merchant I and nephew to Hon. Joseph Howell, I was in Logan Monday. I Harrison's for Fotos. Studio over I U O. store. I J. N. Hansen, the stalwart of New- I ton, was a delegate to the Judicial I convention on Monday. I G. Gessel, the brick maker of Cache I county, will sell bick by the wagon I or car load. The choicest kind. I J. U. Hadcrlle, one of the sturdy elderly gentlemen of Providence, was I in Logan Tuesday. Sciatic rhcuma- tism lsglvlnghimconsideiablotrouble p at present. Homcscekers We will show you n how to get a home, or pay oil a loan onyour propcrty.H.A.PKDKitsoN & Co H The Blackfoot people In Idaho claim I they raise the best beets in Die world, I ranging fiom live to eight pounds in I weight. Tills is all right in quantity I but what about the quality? H Plenty of blue plums for sale at I Crockett corner, Canyon street. The stockholders and promotors of SjjBPP?- the West Cache canal are to be con- t gratulated on the linal success of their H project. We understand that the m water Is now on the state boundary H line between Utali and Idaho, which means that it is about out on the Hat. H Household Fuhnituku for sale at 301 N Main street. In our last issue a statement was made regarding Mr. Peter Nelson being be-ing interested In Die purchase of the Wat Iteese saloon. Mr. Nelson called at this otllce and stated that lie was In no sense one or the proprietor. "Ted" Bench Is tlie owner of the establishment. es-tablishment. It is announced that llcrt McCul-loch, McCul-loch, the joung man scalded very severely at the sugar f.ictoiy last winter, is to bo married today to Miss Maude F. Maughan. daughter of C. W. Maughan. Tills evening there will be a line reception at the Urcen B boarding house on Fhst West street. llcrt Is a line young man deserving of a 9 good wife and In Miss Maughan has H probably found her. lioth ha-vc many m friends who wish for them nothing H - but the best of everything. Henry G. Hayball I Special Bargain Sale If 1,000 " Fancy Hour at 1 00 per sk M 1,000 ' Hranat 85 " " II 25 lbs Tapioca for 1 00 m 25 " Sago for 1 00 M 20 " Japan Rice for 1 00 gj 30 " Oatmeal for 1 00 I 20 " Beans for I 00 1 20 " Dried peaclies for 1 00 ' 1 :i " bucket of lard for 30ccnts a 5 " bucket of lard for COccnts I 1 " of clicwing tocaeco -iOcents 1 30 liais soap for 1 00 I 30 liars Toilet soap 1 00 I 12 Boxes Lyo for 1 00 8 Packages codec 1 00 3 Pkgs Schilling tea 50cents 3 Pkgs Golden gate COccnts 3 Pkgs Oyama tea 50ccnts FRUIT J A It PRICES Two-quai t Jars $1 00 per do. One-quart Jars 75 " " One-pint Jars 05 " ' T Remember the Place, R Henry O. Hayball's 51-55 Center St. " W'ahlcd'HIred'gfrl. Logan Furniture Furni-ture Company. Klndson Bros., hof Brigham have shipped twenty bar load of peaclies tills year. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Mrs. G. W. Thatcher 102 Center Cen-ter street. " It Is stated thattho head push of the new party are practically non-tax payers. House to rent Five looms, tle blocks west of the A. C. of U. Apply 69 west 1st North. The balloon ascension that was to have taken place at Brigham on Peach Day did not materialize owing to the balloon being binned by the gas, loss $1115.00. M. D. McKanc has opened a wholesale whole-sale and retail fruit stand at Bell Bros meat market, Noith Main stiset. tf Joseph Johnson, Klik Harris, John Klrby, and Die Jorgcnsen bois from Hyde Park, with heavy teams, and others from Benson and Logan left this morning for Idaho Kails to haul beets. East Garland Waid, Box Elder Co., has bought a line new Estcy Church Organ. Tills makes W church organs Die Harris Music Co. lias sold. The paements on Center sticet are not kept as clean as they should be. In some places the dirt Diat was left by the contractors who built the walks still remains. The lite department depart-ment might get out occasionally for a little practice and turn the hose upon such places. Lost A large grey mare-, branded II M on left shoulder. Anyone finding find-ing same please return to 302 West Center and be rewarded. Mrs. L. J. Goodrich and son Louis arrived home Sunday evening from an eastern visit extending over several months. They were at Kewanee. 111.,- the World's Fair, and various eastern points. The Goodrlches will keep house this winter in rooms over the Harris music store. The "broncho busting" at the B. Y. C. campus Saturday afternoon drew a goodly crowd, which came away fairly satisfied) altho 'tis said none of the animals presented were sufllclcntly wild and strong to'create the greatest fun. Each rider handled three anl mals In quite a masterly way. The Cache valley people should go to Brigham at once for their peaches. Boxes for shipment can not be made fast enough, and the result Is that thousands of bushels of the choicest fruit will be wasted. Loose peaclies can be bought for -twcnty-tlve cents a bushel good mcasiire. Gather up your boxes and go at once. Miss Enone Smith, of Providence, Is visiting with Die family of Walter Hoge Mr. and Mrs. Ashley re turned fiom Logan, their son Geo. Ft-and Ft-and wife, of that place went East lLs resume their studies In medicine Quite a number of advanced students went to Logan to attend the colleges of that place. Paris (Idaho) Post. Up at Hyde Park there have been some wonderful "goings-on" recently. Not long ago Bp C. G. Hyde's wife presented him with a line baby, and this seems to have started the ball rolling. A few days later Mrs. Frank Follett became the mother of twins, Mrs. Fred Elwood gave birth to a boy almost as large as her husband, Mis. Riley Ilarils added another male voter; vot-er; Mrs. Hancey came next with a big girl, then Mrs, Martin Christiansen Chris-tiansen with a twelve pound boy. The most recent an ival Is Diat of a little Woolf presented George's bcttcr-by-three-rouiths. "And still theie's more to follow." P. Peterson and wife, an aged cou pie from Brigham City, came over to Logan last Saturday with a one-hoise conveyance loaded witli a few peaches. They attempted to drive down the steep dugway by the temple at ! p. m. but the horse billed off the dugway and rolled into the canal below. The wagon caught against some brush and hung there until the next morning. The horse as extricated by Mr. Peterson Pet-erson that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Scholcs cared for the couple over night and on Sunday morning Die wagon was lemoved by Mcssis.Scholes and W. P. Johnson. Fortunately for the aged people they jumped out of the wagon and escaped Injury. Republicans have recently opened headquaiters in Die loom formerly occupied by the City Shoo store. The loom is hardly as spacious nor as prominent as was desired, but under lepubjlcan conditions, when business is always booming and buildings always al-ways occupied by something other than "For rent" and "For sale cards, 'twas tho best that could bo seemed. Chalis, tables, a telephone and quantities quanti-ties of campaign literature aro on hand for the use of any and all. When in Die city and hae a minute tospaie drop Into this room just west of Die postotllce and put In the time pleasantly. It may be mentioned (hat the democrats havo also opened up u similar establishment just west of Die Co-op Drug Co.'s place of busl ness. Get your fall and winter win-ter outfit for the boys at Dunbar, Robinson and Co. They give big discounts for family fam-ily bills. Ola Olsen, of Mlllvllle, was in Logan on Monday. Bishop Bingham, of Trenton, was in Logah on Monday. James Balls, of II do Park, is down wltli pneumonia. The democrats hold their convention conven-tion on Saturday, October 1st. The Hyrum Co-op wants 5,000 bushels bush-els of llrst-class wheat and will pay the highest cash price in cash for same. Mrs. II. P. Nellscn, of the Seenth ward, gave blitli to a line boy last Friday at 0 a. m. Wanted Lady clerk at Preston, Pypcr & Co.'s. President Ellas Kimball came down from Blackfoot on Monday and returned re-turned Tuesday. Wanted A girl for general housework. house-work. Apply Mrs. C. C. Goodwin, 243 South Main street. The wife of James McNeil, city councilman, gave birth toatincglil last Friday night. Martin Fink, formerly of Piovl-dencc Piovl-dencc now living In Marsh Valley, came to Logan yesterday and expects to return today. The primary teachers of the Logan City schools will meet with Miss Harrison, Har-rison, Die new primary supervisor, at the Woodruff, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Must be sold at once dining room chairs, step ladder, two dressers, one Estate heating oak stove, cook stove, writing table, wash stand, pictures and chromos. s Mr. Edmund E. Hayball, formerly of Logan now of Pocatello, is In Logan Lo-gan visiting with his mother, Mrs. J. I Hayball. The people of Gentile valley have Just bought a large 8300 Estey Church organ for the Bannock Stake Academy This makes 47 church organs the liar-r liar-r Is Music Co. has sold. Prof. A. II. Upham returned Sunday Sun-day evening from his vacation in the cast. He spent a very pleasant summer sum-mer amid old scenes and is looking much better for the trip. Geo. Squires came over from Lewis-ton Lewis-ton Sunday and followed the fashion of taking on a good cold and generally DPtyitofortable feeling. At last ac-'prJie ac-'prJie KJhe was stni able to kick forcl-Mr. forcl-Mr. S eggs n 9 ure Us)- C. people arc highly elated bout cfclr tlrst day's enrollment, the 'fnay ijn percentage being 05 per cent 'nV'y ajlan in any former year. It waif mposslblc to register all Die students stu-dents that applied on Tuesday. The Avkhv Beet Digger and Sub Soil plow, sold by the Sidney Stevens Implement Co., Is the only successful one made and all other devices arc meicly a humbug and to use them a waste of time. Prof, and Mrs. Ostlen are at home and If one may judge from appearances, appear-ances, Diey certainly fared well and enjoyed life during thesummer. They will occupy Die Stover property on East First North street. The many acquaintances of D. P. Tarpey will regret to learn Diat he has a serious attack of heart failure. Ho has gone to tho coast, being so advised ad-vised by physicians. Mr. Tarpey has opeiated in the Interest of C. P. lands for years past. Miss Lucy Baker, one of Die professional profes-sional nurses In this city, left for the east Tuesday morning. While theie she will visit many of the pnnclpai cities, also Including the World's fair. Miss Baker expects to return home November first. Fon Salk On easy terms. 25acres number one land with Independent water right from springs; also six head of rollch cows; one Durham bull; six heavd pf yearlings and a span of mares. This farm lis located about one and a half miles west of Smithllcld. Apply to G. Y. Smith, Smltlilield, Utah. McNiel & Spencer are doing big things up In tho Fifth ward. Thoy have just taken in ti partner, Mr. A. J. Turner, iccently from Montana, who takes a third stock, and opens 'up a butcher shop, Tho boys aie determined deter-mined to corral the business of Diat end of town and aro enlarging to do it. It Is said that the first meat served serv-ed from the shop will bo that bear the bojs killed in Logan canyon a few dasago. Swellest line of high j grade clothing for boys and children Dunbar, ' Robinson and Co. The funeral of Charles Reese Sf. was held at Benson ward yesterday at j 1 p. m The speakers were Wm ! White of Salt Lake, W. N Thomas, j E. D. Miles, Evan Jones, S. Roundy, j Geo. O. Pitkin, Jacob Jorgcnson, ! Prest. Morrell and Bishop Ballard , The deceased came from Wales to America In 1800, emigrated to Utah I and settled In Hyde Park In 1801. He was seventy-five years oldjalways bore a good reputation and died firm In the faith. He leaves a wife, and seven sons who have grown to manhood man-hood and are good citizens In this J county. I The Tribune Is authority that Mr, , B. Mahler, the promoter of the elec-' elec-' trie line from Payson to Logan, has secured all the franchises necessary and that the only tiling lacking at present Is tralllc arrangements with the Ogden and Salt Lake street eai i companies In ease airaiigcincnts to I use their Hues (.an not be made, hide- pendent fiatichkcs will lie asked for. It Is stated Diat Mr. Miihlei has ials-ed ials-ed practical!) all the money necessary to put in the io.it) and tii.it it is nil eastern mone) The Tilbune sajs edltorally. "Tho Tribune hopes that the Cleveland millionaire who Is stated stat-ed to be at the back of Die pioposltlon for an electric line from the cities In Cackc allej on the north to Pajson on the south, may push his enterprise to a complete success. The suggestion sugges-tion to use Die piesent street car lines of tills city and of Ogdcn may not prove pi act iciible, but In such there ought not to be any particular difficulty diffi-culty In obtaining franchises. It Is in the line of proper development to have such enterprises for Die state, and The Tribune will do everything in reason always to help such dovclop-ment. dovclop-ment. The electric lino can not be speeded too fast to suit us. It should prove a great advantage to business communication and to social intercourse, inter-course, and be In every way of advan-agc advan-agc to the State as well as to the com-muntlcs com-muntlcs affected. A Reminder. This is just to keep before jour mind the fact that some time about the first of October there will be at the Thatohor Opera House an evening even-ing of real fun, pleasure and amusement, amuse-ment, just such an evening as you have long dreamed of but never experienced. ex-perienced. And a most pleasant feature fea-ture of it all is that local talent arc the criminals In the case and will appear ap-pear at a price well within the reach of the pockctbooks of laborer and clerk as well as banker and physician. There will be a forty-five minute minstrel skit by twelve or sixteen of Logan City's best male talent. The music Is nothing light and frothy devoid de-void of melody and tunc, but bright sparkling, melodious, the kind jou'll enjoy. There will be the usual pcilod of "funnyettes," and some team woik In dancing that has never been surpassed sur-passed In Logan. This Is no Josh. Soloists will get In their work, and as a whole this 45 minutes will be replete with genuine plcasuie and amusement. amuse-ment. The second part Is to be a musical extravagana Ly twelve young ladies and gentlemen. The "Sixtette from Florodora" will be presented in a manner creditable to the original bunch of fairies who did the stunt. This Is the prettiest movement and music In Florodora, and will prove a hit. Mr. Dell Knowlton, present manager mana-ger of the opera house and an old timer on Die stage, with his daughter will close Die second part with spec-l spec-l laities that will not prove second to the professional work usually seen on the local stage. As a fitting end to the evening's pleasures, "Dream Faces," one of the most charming single act dramas ever written will be produced. This will be done no less creditably than the rest. Just keep these tilings in mind and watch for future announcements. Australian Churches. Australia has 210 churches to overy 100,000 people, n larger number per eBlta than uny other country. ... fifmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !' dk bottle of our Cough' J il vk Rcmcd' we prepare it ourselves and we know there W? ' IjflH XT arc none better, jf PbH FINE WINES AND LIQUORS ;H I Tor Family and Medicinal I'm-, j' iH j CY E. NAPPER ijfl j. .'.MAIN .ST. LOGAN. OLD Stjt' 1 UK.s STAND Jl For family supplies in clothing and shoes see Dunbar, Robinson and Co, GOOD PAINT j 'ifl PAY DIVIDENDS fl Paint Is an Important on a house as Insurance. Mies and ej clones i l aie rare but the wear of wimd and i weather is sine and constant. S H Wood and other building material J last Indelluilely if protected by ; l p.iltit Besides, paint Improves tho ', appearance and Increases the value A R or any building. There aio many S f icasons why jEiH Acme and Dry Climate paints !f should be oreferred. if They are strong and true In color .tiH possess lots of body weigh .'10 per H cent more than many other brands f on Die market. Spicad ecnl--do vl not blister, scale or rub olT,prescnc ll as well as ornament. They arc per- fH feet paints but they cost no more H than any not so good. We are ex- i Tl elusive agents and guaiantco them lial for live years. Those who know IH say we could safely make It ten H City Drug Co. THE FRONT IS WHITE. " 67 Main treet - - Logan H |