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Show Downfall of ike w ZMm Minister's Pex Car Tho family of a Brooklyn minister aro mourning tho moral downfall of their pet cat. Onco It was a cat to bo admired and trusted, a cat which set an exnmplo to tho neighboring Toms nnd Tabbies of tho ways which a righteous cat should follow. Now It lias all tho faults of ordinary cathood and moro, too ns If striving to mako up for lost time. nd It was tho death of her promising family of kittens which led to this rcgrettablo chango In tho pet cat's spiritual nature "Formerly ono of the most admired characteristics of tho pet cat was her regular attendance at family prayers, which were held Just after tho family's evening meal, at the appointed tlmo tho good cat would march Into the room, take her position on a cushion provided for her, and give respectful attention during prayer time. Tho children of the family insisted that she understood all that was said. While this would perhaps bo an exaggeration, exag-geration, It Is certain that tho cat maintained a respectful and attentive demeanor which would havo been a lesson to many frivolous boys and girls. No matter how hungry sho might bo, the pot cat would not touch tho food set asldo for her until tho ifamlly prayers had been duly concluded. conclud-ed. "A short tlmo ago tho cat becarao tho mother of several plump and promising prom-ising kittens. Sho was Inordinately iproud of them. Such kittens, to her jmlnd, had never beforo been born In 'Brooklyn or elsewhere. But the fara-illy fara-illy did not share her enthusiasm. They copsidcrcd that ono cat in tho house was enough. Tho result was that tho kittens painlessly went the 'way of superfluous kittens. "At first tho pet cat simply mourned mourn-ed her offspring nftcr tho manner of bereaved arflmal mothers. Then she sat down and did a hard thinking act Tho results reached In her mind were ovldont. Tho family sho had trusted, tho family sho had attended prayers with so long, hod deprived her of her beloved kittens. And tho old cat plainly mndo up her mind that she would no longer havo spiritual intercourse inter-course with a family guilty of such a misdeed. "That evening when tho time came for family prayers tho good cat was mlF.siug. After a search she was found, brought into the room, and placed on her accustomed cushion. But no prayers for hor. Sho simply looked around tho family circle In a scornful manner, and then, with erect tall and Indignant mien walked out of the room. Since then neither bribes nor persuasion has availed to make her attend the family prayers. ''But It is not only in tho matter of prayor attendance that tho once worthy cat shows Bigns of moral de-gonoracy. de-gonoracy. Formerly tho most peaceful peace-ful and well-behaved of cats, she is now ready to fight any dog that comes within sight of tho house She Is averse to petting and whon caught submits to It with evident rcluctauco, all the tlmo watching a chanco to run off. Onco sho was most select In hor choleo of cat companions; now sho flirts with every disreputable Tom for blocks around. In her every action sho displays the characteristics ot a cat who has turned tall on the True, tho Good, and the Beautiful of cat aesthetics. " 'It's too bad,' slghod tho minister's llttlo girl, whoso especial pet the cat used to be 'She was such a good cat. Always on hand for prayers, always ready to bo potted. And now she acta like a regular heathen cat, that don't caro for anything or anybody.'" |