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Show CATARRH DESTROYS THE KIDNEYS Was Miserable Could Not Stand Up or Walk , Pe-ru-na Cured. " matin Wo. abwdenand JAMESJJPOWELL. j covery. I spent hundreds of dollars in medicine which did me no good. I was persuaded by a friend to try Peruna. I took it two weeks without much improvement, improve-ment, but I kept on with it and soon began to get well and strong very fast. Within two months I was cured, and have been well ever since, I am a strong advocate of Peruna." C. Hershraan, Peruna cures catarrh of the kidneys, liver and other pelvic organs, simply because be-cause it cures catarrh wherever located. I T i Ur ill I CnLO I IU OrUnlOmCni lsjust out and contains about awy-.. awy-.. thine to be desired Id the Way ST.... 'GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION. FISHING TACKLE, GENERAL SPOnTINO. CAMPING and OUTDOOR GOODS, Including PHOTOGRAPHIC ind BASEBALL SUP PLIES, CYCLE SUNDRIES, Etc. II Is lull ot the latest goods and lowest prices ana is TREE FOR THE ASKING. I BROWNING BROS. CO. 24a g&gSruTTQwK.v' - a . ! &reBSBSBBvBlaaYaBRZBBtBBBBSBl POH kzssst: jjj "' "jjZiyitBiMtMiHBIiBI oonduotd th BgtgtgtgtgVlgttlgnCgagaaBaaa Classical, Commercial and Solon. tfigaaLaBlflkflHrH For further par- VdjBKjBflBflKflPLSSKBHBBfl tlculsrs apply H I A STOMACH BY MAIL IB! One that will dlgett everything. One that Trill bring llafati good health to you who buSor from Indlgettlon and gaaar Wytpopaia. A healthy stomach In all that the term W lmpltee can be yourt. T11K NUW I'lULOSOl'lIV V (howi permanent cure for all stomach and tnteitlna. troublei. Bend for the boot to-day. 1TB Vlll.lL A. H. 8WINEBURNE, M. D. St. Olalr Bids. Marietta, Ohio I Drunkenness Cured B ka UXBLET TREATMENT, Instituted 18M. b the oil highly endorsed CURE. Equally affootual In Youth and Old Ago . I THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, SM W. St. Temple SL IALT UKB CITY, UTAH. RELIABLE ASSAYS. Kid..- .TiMiold and Silver, .. .tLal t4.,.. .ltunid,8UT'r,Oop!r.. Lt H Prompt returns on mull samples. I Otfden Assay Co. "VB55.E28KT- H I AniCCt HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to obtain a (.HUlLOl genuine Aluminum Comb, lights H ecrk, atronir aa Iron, bright uh silver, and will not tarnish. Former price It. 50. To Introduce Cir goods we will mall sample for Ko. Tho ayora Co . , Hox 155. Bait Lake City, Dept. A. HK When Answering AdvertlaemenU f Kindly Mention Thia Paper. B fU. N. U.. 8alt Lake-No. 36, tGOS. MM F ' TjlP em Rm wt'aU VuTnai 'THm B M Ue" K""i' JruP' Tatlos Oood. Uia n W. L. DOUGLAS 3.&$3 8HOES You can save from t8 to $5 yearly by 1 wearing W. L. Douglas 96.90 or 93 shoes. They equal those "- that lure bocn cast- f tev Ing you from 31 00 M mens sals of VT. L. mfk H Douglas ahoaa ptovca PlllV HI tholr superiority over Wm TgJV U Bold by retail shoe ggbaK J Look for namo and mmmWmmL(Wi prico on bottom, laaaaMrl That Douglas uejCor Jmimmr fk. oaaColt pravet there li XmmmWF aaW talus la Uoailaa sheet. garnHE' aaaavsn, Carsna Is the highest aaaaaaawt immmw grade Pit. Ltathtrnaile.lHrSkagtjafPfTaBH fait Cmler Kyrltu uteJ. 9asvanaW'aaavBal Our $4 Ollt tije lint aannoTtt equalled at any prld. .Shots ky mill, S5 rrnts extrs. Illaitratsd GaUl(frta. IT. I.. UOL'ULIS, llrockton.Maas. iw ' " ;i WATERPROOF i lWl J&)W, OllEDClQTHIM'9 H&f Made an tiLxk or eltar for II kinds yJAXJl ofwttwrK.OnktYtwwhurt Jm J Lookfortht3inoftkrljh.M AllA tgLl UuMMTOWtRofltheluttoM. WISlV I Arfrawia ca.iiTaNii wi ilAjfl S0Z0D0NT rrslty Teeth h a laid Kiutli are like Jjwcla well set. OnrbeaVmea and women hare mads Sozodohx the Standard. BEST TEETH Flso'a Cure la the boat medicine we eTer used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wat. O. Eudslxt, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1000. Btona the Cough and Works Off the Cold Laxatlva Bromo Quinine Tablets. PrloeSSo. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES I FREE TO WOMEN I at sj fatlLJUtU To prove the healing and IViV.ffllHsl eleanslng power ot 1'axtlna aUtaaVKvlBaaal Collet AntUuptlo wo will J PjaUMP mall a Urre trial packag e VaaaVaat with book of Instructions 'W mWK Bj absolutely free. This la not B II aKak II a tiny sample, but a large H HI IVal H package, enough te con-M con-M m m-SkL m vlnoe anyono of Its value. H elCe 111 Woman all over tho country 9 W are praising Paxtlne for what AKaaBBaflBaKU has done In local srant- aaa1HaaVaalaBBBBalmrnt af faroala Ilia, curing all inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a H cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal catarrh, as n mouth wash and to remove Urtar and whiten the teeth. Send todays a poatal card Will do. . ... . Bold by drarglsta or sent postpaid by ns, SO Hull, larae box. Satisfaction curtd. TUK R. l'AXTON CO., Uoston, Mass. S14 L'olambaa Am. No other systemic catarrh remedy has as yet been devised. Insist upon having Peruna. Pe-runa. Thero are no medicines that can bo substituted. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory satisfac-tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement state-ment of your casa and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The) Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Cheap Passenger Rates Via "Santa Pe Route" To Boston, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Detroit, Atlanta and other points. For particulars, address O. F. Warren, General Agent, A. T. & S. F. Ry 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. $100 Reward, $100. Ths re sileri of tbls paper will bo plotted toltarn that there It at lettt ono are ded dltetto tliat trtem o tit! beta tblo to euro In all Itt tt.titci, ami Umt U Ctttrrh. HtU'i Cturrh Cure It ths only potlllre cure now known lo the moJIcal fraternity, Otnrrh be tig a conttltutlooal dltrate, reqnlret a coottltu-Kontl coottltu-Kontl treatment, lull's Catarrh Cure, It taken In terntllr, actlns dlreotly upon tbo Muort nnrl roucout turfacet of the iyttem, thereby Uettr iylu the foundation of the illteate, and stria: the patient ttrength by building np the onntlltutlon and ai.ittinK nature tn dolus Its work. The proprietor have to much faith lo lta curative poker., that they oiler Ons Hundred Dollars for any cats that It Milt to cure, Seud for lttt ot tetttmnnlait, Addre P. .1. CHKNr.r & CO. , Toledo, O. fold by druffgt.tt, 73c. Uall'i Fatally 1'lllt are the belt. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to light and washing. Mrs. Wlnalow'n Nnothlng Hymn.' For children tcethluc, tofteut tho guma, reduces Inflammation, In-flammation, allaji pain, curct wind colic. 25a a botUa. I EDUCAI10NAlw.,,,, THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, . M NOTRB OAMB, INDIANA. -MM FULL COURSES IN Claaslcs, U.tari, Deo- J nemlca and Hlatory, Journallam, Art, Science, , Pharmacy, Law, Civil, Mechanical and Hl- dHHHI trlcal Engineering, Architecture. 'asBnananl Thorough Preparatory and Commercial , Courtet. BBH Kooma Free to all atudenta vvho have com- 'HHJ pleted the studies required for admlttlon into lbs BHH Sophomore, Junior or Senior Year of any ol the MHH Collegiate Courtes. HHHH Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to atndents over seventeen preparing for Colleclsts Courtet. A limited number of Candidates for the Eccle- aiattlcal state will ha receiv ed at special rates. ! bt. lid word's Halt, for boys under 13 years. Is H unique in the rotnplelenets of itt equipment. H The 60th Year will open September . 1901, H Catoloruaa I ree. Addresa V. O. Hox 23S. H RUV. A. MORRISbEV, C. S. C President, gH 1 ST. MARY'S ACADEMY H NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Hsgfl One Mile Wett of Ifotre Dams University. faH Moitheantlfullyandhealthrnllylocated. Conducted 4aaaaaani hy tho bitten of the Holy Crott. Olitrtered 1833. I!n- s'aaaaaaaal J'Tlne a national patronage. Thorough Kngllth, 'MMWM CUiilcal, Bcl.uUflo aad Commercial Oourtea, ad- tfaTasaaal yanced Cbtmittry and Fharmaoy, Regular Col- :BSH Icguts Jitgreea, Preparatory Department tralai Taaaaaaai implli for irrtilir, apeclal or collegiate counea. iTaTsaaaai rhralcal Lilorntory im-'.I ruulpped. taaaaaaai The Contervatory of 2Iualo u conducted on plant .IH of tho heat Contervaiorlea. The Art Departmaot It aaBBBBBal modeled after leading Art Schools. Minim Depart- fSH merit for children under twelve yean. Phytloal raaaaaaaal Culture under direction of graduate, of Dr. Sarteut'e uLaaaaai Konnalhchoolof rhvilcalTrainlnK. ftsaaaaaaai The belt modern eauc&Uonal advantages fur fitting HaaaaBBBal youucvfcmcnforllvetof uiefuliiett. The constant taaaaaaai Krowthof the Academy hat airiU neceatttated the H erection ot additional fine buildings with latett .gamgl Hygienic equipment!. Moderate coib New school IH yearbeglnabepteinberSth. Mention thtt paper. taaaaaaai t or catalogue and i;rcla! Information apply to igaaaaaaai The Directress ol ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Notre Dame, Indiana. it-H LATTER-DAY SAINTS' UNIVER.SITY H SALT LAKE OITY. UTAH. H Twaaty Courses: Sclenttno, Classical, Nor- saaaaaaal mal, Kindergarten, Domeallo Arts, Msebanls H Arts, Civil Ktivlni orlng. Political denes. f-WWM Dookkccplnv, Shorlhuud, Telegraphy, Civil . mmU Law, etc Mx buildings, practical cu dfpraents. H atrong taoulty ot forty teaohera, l.Sil students, H central locution, modern methoi's. thorough tgaaaai work, teohnloal trulnlng by actUAl eristics. taaaaaaai Write for circulars Includes mi complete gaaaai bt!tres colleges that r open all : ar. Fall ;mm Wrm biflns September 6. (aBaaaaal J. II. PAUL. Ph. D.,PnasiDaT. fgasaaasai FOR BUSINESS 17IAININQ ATTEND THE tg SALT, LAKE H Business College SALT LAKK CITV. UTAH. H Enrollment last year 437. Dost f work in Csblust 1 oolikeoplng, Circa? Shorthand, TouoU tmmm Typewriting, Uuslness Penmanship, Haptd xaaPvaaai calculations, KngllaU, Mathematics, Lair, etc, n fSaaaal Open all year fall term brglna cteptsmber'l, SaaasBTal Illustrate? catalogues free, 1'oaUIuul sa.-urad 3 iH I lor graduates, flgaaaaal , ..l..ii2--Jg..M |