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Show Disagreements Among Scientists, Who Is going to decldo whon scientists scien-tists disngreo? Horo wo And ono group of Investigators, moved by recont discoveries, dis-coveries, such as tho romarkablo properties prop-erties of tho substnnco known as radium, ra-dium, figuring out that tho earth and all that Is In It must resolvo thorn-solves thorn-solves into tholr original olomonts or confusion of elements and that we shall havo chaos como again. Another group of scientists declares that this Is utter nonsonso and those who outer-tain outer-tain such theories aro dreamers. So It goes. Evory discovery Is met by sclentflc doubt as woll as scientific belief be-lief nnd tho unlearned. is to bo forglv-on forglv-on 'or not knowing whoro ho Is "at" But ho can probably rost his soul in tho calm conflclonco that the old world villi go on for somo tlmo to como at least much as if thero wero no scientists scien-tists and no new and startling theories. Troy Times, |