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Show ,f i- '"imp-!, -- " II I - - - ""' The Great Lou Dillon. As C. K. O. Hillings' hnndsomo trotting trot-ting mare I-ou Dillon Is certain to gain tho enviable distinction of world's chnmplon, a description and short history his-tory of this great maro Is In order. Sho Is a B-your-old mani, standing lf.2 hands high, a rich chestnut in color, and wns bred nt tho Santa Ito3a stock farm, Santa Hosa, Cal. In blood lines sho Is not bred In what In now termed tho height of fashion, anil nil her known trotting blood Is of tho Hamblctonlan strain, except one ohscuro lino to Mambrlno Chief. Four times sho traces to Ham-lilotonlnn. Ham-lilotonlnn. and nt that through four sons that aro not now recognized as strictly fashionable, viz.. Stratlimoro, Volunteer. Hnppy Medium and Edward Ed-ward Everett. Her slro was Sidney Dillon by Sid-noy, Sid-noy, 2:10-"4, son of Santa Clans, 2:17',6. ho by Stratlimoro, and Sldnoy Dillon's dam was Venus, dam of Adonis, 2:1114; Eenh, 2:18U. and Cupid, 2:18, nml grandam of Mercury, 2:21 (slro of Twinkle, 2:05), and Idah (with a yearling record of 2:30), by Vonturu, 2-27'S (slro of tho dam of Directum, 2.05',4), son of Williamson's thoroughbred Delmont; grandam by Whipple's Haiublctonlan. Tho dam of I.ou Dillon was jo Milton, by Milton Mil-ton Medium, 2:25, son of Hnppy Mo-dlum, Mo-dlum, out of a famous San Francisco road maro called Fly. Sldnoy, her grnndslro, was out of Sweetness, 2:21, by Volunteer, and her dam was by Edward Everett" Sho was brought from California last winter, and after showing a half mllo in 1:01 to Millard Sanders, who has drlvon hor In hor exhibitions, was sold at tho Cloveland May salo at auction to Mr. Hillings for $12,500. Long Run for Autos. Pittsburg is to bo the destination of tho greatest onduranco test run for automobiles ovor planned In this country. coun-try. This was definitely decided at a meeting of tho oxecutlvo commlttco of tho National Association of Automo-bllo Automo-bllo Manufacturers. Tho run will be started from Now York on Wodnesday, Oct. 7, and will terminate in Pittsburg on tho following follow-ing Wednesday. The routo of approximately approx-imately 850 miles will be covered In seven days, an average of 120 miles a day. Tho shortest day's run will bo 83 miles and the longest will bo 150 miles. Tho routo will bo across tho tate via Corning and Rlnghampton to Buffalo and thenco to Erie, Cleveland and Pittsburg. The contest will not bo ono of speed, It being tho aim to mako tho run as nearly as possible undor ordinary touring tour-ing conditions. Graduate Football Team Planned. A dozon or moro former football players from Columbia, Cornell, tho University of Pennsylvania, and a aumber of smaller Institutions, havo formed plans to organize a graduate football eleven to meet a number ot the colleges and nthlotlc clubs this tall. Among tho prime movers In tho ichemo aro llnymond Starbuck, tho Did Cornell captain; Potcr Ovcrfleld, tho former guard and center of tho University ot Pennsylvania; Italph Ashloy, Columbia's phenomonal drop klckor, and A. D. Austin, tho heavy guard of tho Columbia cloven. A Thanksgiving day garao has already boon arranged to bo played with tho Donvor Athletic club at Denvor, Colo. Kaiser's Yacht Wins. Tho King's cup, tho cntof ovont of tho regatta ot tho royal yacht squadron squad-ron at Cowos, was won by tho Gorman Emperor's Meteor, Tho raco was aallod ovor tho old Queon's courso In half a galo of wind Tho Motoor ran away from thu other boats, both In bentlng to Eymlnlngton nnd running back to Cowcs. Sho had a long load on passing Cowcs to tho eastward at noon. Tho Urynhlld was noxt and tho Ceotonla last. England Wins Tennis Trophy. Tho Intornatloual tonnlH trophy pro-tented pro-tented throe years ago by Dwlght V. Davis of this country, goo3 to England through tho united effort of It. F. and H. L. Dohorty, who clinched tholr hold on the cup by winning both matchos In singles nt Boston, Aug. 8, and scoring scor-ing In ttfo entlro contest four out of the total of flvo points. Each of tho two contests wont a full flvo sots, II, I . Doherty, tho British champion, defeating V.llllam A. Earned, tho American champion, C 3, C 8, 0 0, 2g, 75, while his brother d!spoed of H. D. Wrenn, n former American champion, by a scoro ol C 4, 3 6, 0 3, C 8, C 4. BIq Fight for Young CorbetL There Is every Indication that an International In-ternational fight between Young Cor-bett Cor-bett nnd Ben Jordan will bo arranged within a few weeks. Jordan, It Is said, Is coming hero nnd will arrive tho latter lat-ter part of this month or tho first week In October. When Jack O'Brien of Philadelphia went to England recently ho wns authorized by Harvey Pollok, Young Corbett's manager, to seo If ho could Induce tho Englishman to meet the Denver man. O'Brien snw Jordan, end It is understood that all negotiations negotia-tions for tho match havo been completed. Walter Egan.ls Golf Champion. After twlco unsuccessfully knocking at tho door of tho westorn amateur golf championship nt Glen Vlow and Wheaton, Walter E. Egan ot tho Ex- I nv (.'nr" moor Country club captured the honor. In the final match at tho Euclid Country Coun-try club, Cleveland, Ohio, he defeated his cousin, H. Chandler Egan, by ont up, In thlrty-sovon holes. Miss Anthony the Victor. Miss Bcsslo Anthony, tho Western chnmplon, further demonstrated that sho has no equnl as a woman golfer In tho West, by defeating Miss J. Anna Carpenter of tho Westward Ho Golf club in tho finals for tho Glenvlow cup In tho women's open tournamont at Glenvlow by 2 up. It was a nervy contest, but a woll-earnod victory. Indications up to tho fifteenth hole wero that Miss Anthony would loso, as her opponent led aftor the seventh holo up to that time Howover, her pluck asserted Itself when sho won the sixteenth, halved the 80vonteenth, and captured tho olghteonth holos, loavlng her 2 up. Duenos Ayres to Hold Shoot. At tho Instance ot tho mayor of Buouos Ayros, Mr A. Del Viso, tho Argentine Ar-gentine charKo d'affaires at Washington, Washing-ton, has transmitted to tho stato do-partmont do-partmont an Invitation for this government gov-ernment to appoint a delegation to nt-tond nt-tond tho Inlornntlonal sharpshooters' match to bo hold nt Buonos Ayres Oct. 1. Tho governments of Franoo, Italy and Switzerland already have accept-, od Invitations. Major Taylor Wins In London. Major Taylor mado his first appear-' anco in England nt the bicyclo moot at Cannlngtown. Ho beat Jonkins of Cardiff, tho professional champion ot England and Plard of Paris in a mile raco. winning all throe heats. |