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Show SHIP DISABLED BY 8WORDFISH. Angry Monster Bores a Hole In the Vessel's Bottom. In cousoqueuco of having been rammed by a swordflsb, which apparently appar-ently was actuated by a doslro to avengo nn attack upon ono of Its matos, tho schooner Emily Coonoy ls laid up for repairs at Gloucester, Mass. Capt. Coonoy was sailing his vessel through the South channol when ho espied threo swordflsh basking on tho surfaco, and ho caused ono of them to bo spcarod. Immediately another monster sword-fish sword-fish appeared, nnd after n terrific rush a.t tho vossel, leaped on tho bowsprit who wielded tho harpoon. Then "it dived, and again charging at tho schoonor stmck Its bottom with such forco that tho fish's sword ponctrnted tho two-and-ono-half-lnch oak plank, and a foot of tho blado wai broken off. Tho vessel then began to leak, and Capt. Coonoy had to run for port |