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Show 44Cy e E. Nappe I "Prescription Druggist' I O AltRI E S I A Full Line of Everything Pertaining to a well-regulated Drug Store. Also an ilnc line of the Host WINES AND LIQUORS FOR FAMILY FAM-ILY USE. PAINTS. OILS and VANISHES. Suu-drles Suu-drles or ccry description. GIVE US A CALL. In New Building on Main Street where tlie Squhes liarbcr shop used to be. Leaders in : f L D. S. Gamuts and all grades of I Underwear i afeIomen I l-TncWv aI1 gracJcs for a11' high or I lUlCi Jr l0Wj rich or poor I Blankets, Quilts , I and the cheapest we can sell cher than I others because we handle greater quanti- I ties. Try us and save money. 1 Logan Knitting Factory iHth S3 NORTH MAIN STREET. I I Bags! Bags! I WE HAVE THEM for GRAIN and POTATOES, SEAMLESS SACKS, twines. We pav HIGHEST PRICE for GRAIN, POTATOES and ALFAL- FA SEEDS. I The M. & S. Seed and Grain Co. W. S. McCORNICK, President. ALLAN M. FLEMING, Cashier JAMES QUAYLE, Vice Pres. GEO. A. PERCIVAL, Asst. " I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, I LOGAN, UTAH. I Under United States Government Supervision, mc CAPITAL AND PROf ITS $70,000. W Courteous Attention to All. . Interest Paid on Time Deposit!. V Foreign Dratts Issued. Prompt, Conservative, Sate. HOARD OF DIRECTORS: K W. S. McCoilNlCK, JAMKS QUAYL15, JoSKl'llF. SMITH, John II. Andkiison, Tnos. Smaut, Soihsk Hanskn, O. C. Goodwin, John H. Davis, Allan, M. 1-lkmino. mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmvmwwmmwm Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation. Tihlng Office corner, Logan, Uah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for I FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commls- slons charged 1 William Reading I Prime Reef, Mutton, Poik, Veal I " Etc. Game and Poultry In I Season. 8.1 Centre St. fLOWERS by Express For any and all occasions, funeral Designs a Specialty. I Prices right; estimates given. : : : : B. C. Morris Floral Company, J1C COltMACK IILK. SALT LAKK CITY. Logan Real Estate & Loan Co. Choice Farms & City Property For Sale. REASONARLE TERMS Louis L. Cakdon, Manager. Oftlce-'.C M.I. Uulldlng. Upstairs. P. O. Hox, 375 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers Sign-ers for Further Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In and urCaili Ccrnij, taeof Utah. Notice to Creditors. rtnU'(r I'llrnlictli L. Lou deceased. Creditor will prce-nt claims with vouclirri to the umlcrilinu d at thilr residence In WOllavllIuclty. In the lounlv of Cache and State of (Hah on or before Hie -lt dny of Dm-mUr. A. I). IIWI Dutuuttlrst publication August lDtti. A. I. ISO.). II.I.IAM A. I.FA, QroiuiB A. LrA. Kxi'cutuni of the last will of i;il7aletli L. Lea, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Clarissa Tairifart Parkinson, do-ccased. do-ccased. Creditors will present claims vvltli vouchers to the uixlerslirneil at Ids ofllee In Locan cits' III tlio Counts' of Caclio and Mate of Utali.on or before the 31st day of December A. 1), 1003. Date of first publication. August -". A. I 11103, WlM.MM II. I'AIIKINHOV. Administrator of the estate of Clarissa Tntrirart Parkinson, diceased. NOTICE TO CREMTOHS. Estate of Andrew Transtrum. Jr., deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers-to vouchers-to the undersigned at her resldunce in lis rum Cits' Utah on or before tho 10th day of January Janu-ary A. I). UW. Date of tlrst publication. Hep-temln-r Ptli A. D. 1U03. Amanda Transtrum. administratrix of the estate of Andrew Transtrum, Jr.. deceased. J. C. Wampus, attorney, NOTICE. United States Land Otllce. Bait Lake Cits', Utah. AuitustD. 1P0.1, To whom It may concern: Tho State) of Utah having selected as a part of Its grant for tho use of tho University of Utah under tho flth section of tho Act of Con-gris Con-gris approved July itltli, IMit, tho following descrllxd tracts, returned by tho United Mates Mirvojor-Ocnernl as mineral land, no-tlcu no-tlcu Is hereby glen that the said ntato will submit proof as to the charm ter of slid land, liefore the Ueglsttr and Kucclv er, at thlsolllce on Monday the luthday of Octoccr. lltil. at 10 o'clock a, in , l?: W' Sec. tlaml WM Pec. 7. TN IURflL Mor.embracid In List JSo.K University of Utah. All iicrsnns claiming any portion of said described tracts as mineral land, or desiring to protest or object to tho selection llurcof by the State, are hereby summoned to appoar on that date, and submit testimony In support sup-port of their claims or objections. 1'ltVNK I), Homes. , Heglstcr. Geo. A. smith. M Uecclvtr. NOTICE. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Aug. JO, IP03 To Whom Itilny Concern! Notice Is hereby given that tho Central Pa-clllo Pa-clllo ltallwaviompany bos Hied In this olllcu allstof lands, einbraclng lot 1, NWli M'M and bK NEK See 2!J T UN It 2E. S. I. Mir .and has apidlul for a patent for said lauds; that the list Is open to tho nulillj for Inspietlon and a cops thereof by descriptive subdivisions subdivi-sions lio Lcui posted In a convenient place In this olllce1, for Insiwutlon of all ihtsoiis Interested Inter-ested and of tho punlla generally. Within tne next sixty dais following the date of this notice, protests or e'outests against this claim of the company to any tract orHUldlvlslon within any section or partof Motion, de-scrltied In the list, on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be ris'elvtd and noted for report to tho General Gen-eral Land Olllce at Washington, V. O. I'HlNK 1. Homes, licglstcr. Oro, A. SMITH, ISecclver. Program. The annual lonventlon of the Y. L. and Y. M. M. 1. Association will be held at the 11. Y. College next Sunday the 2" th. at which the following pio-gi.ims pio-gi.ims will be lendeied. Y. M. M.l. A. 3IOHNIM1 SUASION 10 a. in. Prepaiatmy for opening of work 11. Hullcn.Tr. Grading Jos. Campbell Manual Moses Joigensen Impiovement Fund..G. W. Lindqulst at 2 P. 31. Impiovement Eia James Moiton Class woik John Hankhead Missionary woik. ...B'icdrick Scholes Secietaries J. W. Craw ford KVKN1NO HKSSION IN TAHEKNACLK 7::t0 o'clock to which the public is cordially Invited. In-vited. Joint Scssslons A. L. Farrell Preliminary Program.. W. S. Langton Amusements S. F. Dalllt Y. L. M. I. A. MOItNINO SESSION 10 O'CLOCK SEPT. 27. Prepaiatlons for tho opening of the season. .Mrs. Mary L. Ilendrickson P.ti llamcntary Drill . . .Member of tho Gencial iloaul. Grading the Associations Miss Ruth Hatch Class Work.... Mrs. Leah D. Wldtsoo Guide Work..Piovldencc Association AKTKItNOON SESSION 2 1. 31. Secietaries Mis. Ellen Haibcr Tho Dime Fund Mrs. Jean C. Thatcher The Young Woman's Journal.... Mis. Sophia Caidou Tiavellug Llbiai les Mis. Jennie Llojd KVENINO SESSION IN TA1IKHNACLK 7:30 P. 31. PUIILIO INVITED. Amusements, Mrs. Leah D. Wldtsoo and Seige IlalllV. Conjoint Olllccis Meeting Mr. A. L. Fa roll Prellminaiy Progiaiu. .. W. S. Langton All oillceis aie lequeited to be In attendance. Musical selections by the best of local talent will bo tendered tender-ed at convenient places In the pio-gram. pio-gram. For Teachers and Students. Dr. Newman, the Luiopenn ey specialist of Pocatello, will make a leductlon of 25 por cent for-teacheis and students. Remember the date at Eaglo Hotel.Scptember 25th and 20th. Reduction for thoso dates only. Consultation Con-sultation free. Dr. Newman is well 1 known In this vicinity. JUST ARRIVED: a Carload of STOVES I Consisting of Heaters, H Ranges, and Small jfl Cooks y H tjH V Wo arc in a position to soil stoves at H an extremely low figure. G I v c us tH a call jH iiH I Logan Furniture Co. I 1 City of McCAMMON. I II. O. ITaikncss has divided up a part of his line fanning land Into H City lots and many of them arc being sold. Ho Is putting In a tine H system of water woiks, biought from springs in the mountains; a tine H electric light plant. McCammon is destined to become a center with H wonderful possiblltles bcfoic it. The advantages for manufacturing H Industries aic unsui passed In the West, some of tho lincst water power jH in the world. City lots arc sold at a low price, with fico piped water H for domestic use and clcctiic lights for two icais, thereafter a reason- H able rate will be charged. Parties desirous of starting new homes now H have an excellent oppournity to buy building giound cheap, with mod- H crn conveniences attached. McCammon supports one of the lincst H grist mills In the West, good stores, and lumberyards. Tracts of farm- jH lng land can be seemed adjacent to tho ptoposcd town. An excellent H opportunity is olTcied for gaulencrs, especially as most of the garden H products arc impoited Into Pocatello. Young men Just starting out In H life should not fail to investigate this proposition. For further panic- H tilars, write to H H. O. HARKNESS, McCammon, Ida. H Brigham Yoting Col- I lege Logant Utah I I Opens September 17, J 903 M orrtRS SLVEMEf n cctiRSts i the fouowmo SCHOOLS M College. High School School or Music H Civil Englneoilng. Commeicial School. 1'iepaiatory School. jH DotncsticAits. Normal School. Missionary School. H Mechanic Aits. Tialnlng School. jH JOSEPH F. SMITH. President. JAS. II. LINFORD, H Send to H. 11ULLEN, JR., Secy foi chcular. Pres. of Faculty M v J M Have you seen I the Magnillccnt dlsplav of jH IHENRY F. MILLER PIANOS I exhibited by G.&B. THATCHER I I In their New Store, 0 Center Stiect. We carry tho laigest stock H of sheet music In this part of the state. H Elevator and Storage Go. I I 196 East South Street, LOGAN, Utah: - - --- -- M Arc now picp.ued to h undle jH HAY, . GRAIN "AND SEED I And pay the highest market price. H J0RGENSEN anil JENS0N: Proprietors H Renters Wanted. I THE LEWISTON SUGAR CO,, I Is olteilng foi lent, on easv tonns, small or laigo faims, at Lowlston, H Utah, s.iltt land to bo used for growing sugar beets. Heic Is a chanco for homc-seekcis tosecuiogood hoines for a teim of ioare in the most Wfm desliable pint of Cache Valley. Addiess, mm GEO. C. PA RI NSON, Lcwlston, Utah. ,, II I'mmii i iiiii BwwwMMWMwwMMWMfwl , jl M |