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Show Eagle Cafe lM NORTH MAIN ST. 1 Clntcr from 12 to 3 p, n 25 cents JSYcsti Strawberries, Ioc-Cream nnd Summer Drinks. Good Service. Fine Cofloo After thoater parties tako snpa at tlio Eau'lu Cafe. Kugle HotolIUk Thomas & tiallaclicr W. H. HURST AT KIKSEL HOTEL, Dealer in Fine Liquors and Clears. Special attention given to country trade. Give us a call. 30 t21. GRIFFIN BROS. Machinists, Blacksmiths, and Wheelwrights. Wheel-wrights. Carriages work n Specialty. Ono block South of Thatcher's Bank, Main Street, Logan. SAM GLASER, Dealer in Fine Liquors and Cigars. Bottlo and Jug trade a specialty. Our Lewis (866 Whiskey. Try ltl 30 t24. W, W. MAUGHAN ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW. Office In County Court House; south-cast south-cast room up-stalrs. Telephone 18j. Fresh Lime Wheeler & McKinney have a fine- stock constantly on hand. Two Blocks North of Tubcrnacle, Oregon Short Line R. R. CACHE VALLEY TIME CARD. o No. 11. TlRtlr. No. 15. Dally. Mixed rocatollo, 2:45 p ra S:40 a. m. Salt Lake. 6:43 p.m. 12:30 " Offdcn. 7:15 " 8:10 " Cache Jet, 8:05 " 5:30 " Mention. il3 " 6:00 " Loean. 0:30 " 8:3 " Bmltufleld. i4S M T:00 " niclimond, S:M " 7i42 " franklin 10:13 " 80S AltniVES. I'reston. 10:25 p. m 1:10 a. m. EOUT1I HOUND. LIAVIS. Ho. 13. Dally. No. 18. Dally. Mixed. Preston. 1:10 a. m 9:li a.m. Franldin. 7i27 " 8.4J " Richmond, 7i43 " 10:0S " UmltUfleld. 7:M " 10:33 " Login. 8:15 11:40 a, m. Meiidon. t:M " ,1S:05 " ABMTM. Orden. 10:30 a. m. TtOO p. a Salt Lain, 12:01p.m. isio " PooaUllo. J:M - For ticket to or from aU polnU Xait, West. 4Nortl or loath, call on W. W. WooMrra. Asenl' JOB PRINTING... OF ALL KINDS NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. G. W. LINDQUIST, S Undertaker. fH 1st North SU Kut of Tithing Oflloa jilH fCbon In tho capital city xtop at the Windsor Hotel. jH SALT LAKE CITY iH CVntrMIr Locntml. South nt Kcnron Hotel. iH Main Stroot. Knropovi plan, I talcs reason- laB aula. Statu tr.-ulofcollrlti'il. jH Bates o()o untl ivp. iH i iH A. H. PALMER The Plumber. ! S7 West, 1st North Street. rilifl GAltDKN IIOSK S1'U1NKLEB3 etc Just arrived from the Factory. 10 cents per foot ntul up. iH ' . ! Joseph E. Wilson Jr. H CONTRACTOR iiil nnd Dealer in Cement, is prepared to rH contract for sidewalk work, cellar and H stable floors, and reservoirs. Call at ,'H 12S South First East St. JM James C. Waiters, jH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW B rtrstNauoT.?Iinank Logan Utah M Petersen and Sons m TUB PAINTERS H ITouse, Sign and Carriage Palnttaf. Shop: One lilocV South of Thatcb H ci'r Hank H TAKE & M The Oregon I Short Line! . . I For all North PaoJflo Coast Polatai H Portland, Seattle. H Spokane; Tacoma B TI7E SnOBTEST, QUIC REST, 8 AIV JH EST; ELEGANT EQUIPMENT. H New Double Daily Train H SERVICE BETWEEN SALT H LAKE CITY AND PORTLAND. H 1 ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmj D. 8. SPENCER, A. G. P. & T. A H vkiffi, bo YEARS' H EXPERIENCC H H Trade Marks IH K DcaioNa kM rfTm Copyright Ao. H Anrtra.Mndlnf .ketch nd description m JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ evloilr ascertain our opinion fr whether JPJPJPJI Invention ( l.robablr patentable. Conmnnlce. IPIH tlonotrlctlrconad.ntuU. Handbook on PaUnat PJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJI aenl 1 ree. Oldest aiiency for ecurlnfpaienta. fjH latenu taken throunh Munn AXo.ioetf iH Ijwctol notUt, without charge. In the IJJIJJH Scientific American. AliandaomelrlllnitratM wrklr. Urrat ee dilation of anr aclenttllo Journal. Terroa.eitt H Tear 1 four months, !L Bold brail newsdealer. H MUNN & Co.30' D-d-New York Urancb. Offloe. Ot V Bt. Washington, 0.0. H NEW BUILDING. NO INSIDE ROOMS. H eallaH HOTEL EAGLEo AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN.' I ZEPH THOMAS, Proprietor. I tjp-TO-rATK noTKL. I?, North Main Street. bH BtxiAnaKaAMn.KiiooMB. 5 iNonn mam oirees, H aicir. juucts alltjuinb. Logan, UtaOc. tM - BLB |