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Show Charles Warren Fail banks, Republican, Repub-lican, of Indianapolis, was born on a farm near Unlonvllle Center, Union county, O., May 11, 1852; waseducatcd In the common schools of the nclgli' borhood and at the Ohio Wcsleyan university, Delcvvare, Ohio, graduating graduat-ing from that institution in 1872 in the classical course; was admitted to the bar by the supreme court of Ohio in 1874; removed to Indianapolis In the same year, where he has since practiced his profession; never held public onlce prior to his election to the senate; was elected a trustee of the Ohio Wcsleyan university in 1885; was chairman of the Indiana Republican Republi-can state conventions in 1802 and 1808: was unanimously chosen as the nomi nee of tnc Republican caucus for United States senator In the Indiana legislature in Januaiy, 1803 and subsequently subse-quently leceivcd his entire party vote In the leglslatuic, but was defeated by David Turplr, Democrat; was a dele-gatc-at-largc to the Republican national na-tional convention at St. Louis In 1800, and was tcmpoiaiy chairman of the convention; was a dclegatc-at-largc to the Republican national convention at Philadelphia in 1000, and as chair-man chair-man of the committee on resolutions lcpoited the platform; as appointed a member of the United States and Hi itlsli Joint high commission which met In (juebec In 1808, for the adjustment adjust-ment of Canadian questions, and was chahiiiau of the United States high commlssioncis; was elected to the United States senate .Ian. 20, 1807, to succeed Daniel W. Voorhees, Democrat, Demo-crat, and took his seat Match 4, IS'.)"; waste-elected in 100.1. His tenn of scrvlce'wlll expho Maicii 3, 1000. |