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Show Newton's Fourth. Newton Is going to celebrate and going to have such a big time that she will be numbered among the patriotic sons for years to come. The Hyde Paik brass band will make music for the day and glad will be the hearts who listen to them. Visitors from all parts the State have declared their intention to be present with us. It has probably been whispered to j on that Newton is dead. Like other towns we may bo asleep, but now wc declare to the whole world that we are awako and simply bubbling over with the patriotism of '70. Come and see. From daylight of the Fourth to daylight or the fifth there will be rolled roll-ed out one of the biggest days in the history of the west. The morning will break forth In one awful roar and cchos of welcome will till tho air. The following program will bo rendered: rend-ered: Music HvdcPark Band Singing "America" Everybody Prayer, Chaplain W. F. Jensen Solo A. It. E.Clark Reading Declaration of Independence Independ-ence M. T. Beck. Orator of tiro Day M. J. Ballard, of Logan. Solo Annie Beck Comic Speech Jos. J. Larsen Recitation Bernlce Chrlstcnsen Solo Geo. L. Jones Address John E. Grlllln Jr. Singing Choir Prayer Chaplain Music The afternoon sports will be fast and furious. A large bowery will be erected for the comfort of all. The dance in the evening is going to be all that could bo wished. Every effort will bo put forth to make it one of the best. The Hyde Park orchestra will bo present to deal out tho joyous strains. M. T. Beck president of tho town board will unlock every gate to the city, and the doors of every home; and in them plenty will be found. Tho town Is yours. The trees and the grain fields wave a Jojous welcome to all. |