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Show Calling Gowns and Negligees. An unusually chic calling n'owD of dark grcon taffeta showed tho 1830 modo In Its quaintest form; with puffings puff-ings nnd IrsortlniiB, long shoulder of-lect of-lect nnd full slcoves, to Bay nothing of tho full shirt nnd sn.all wnlst, tho enscmhlo was all ono could iloslro. A toquo of the green showed tiny wing nd knots at ribbon velvet of n paler ihndo for contrnst: tho greon para-lol para-lol was n most tltttng accoinpanlmont to this particular costumo. Any number of dainty matinees and negligees must bo considered In tho trousseau, from tho lounging robo for boudoir uso to tho polgnolr of regnl linos becoming tho hostoss of tho drawing room, so beautiful and artistic artis-tic aro they In design. Itlchly haml embroidered crepes In delicate shndes mnko up handsomely, whllo accordion slllts with profuse laco Insertions possess pos-sess n particular nttractlou for tho majority of women, their clinging fulness, ful-ness, with (lowing sleeves, being really real-ly very fascinating and decidedly becoming. be-coming. The Milliner's Dliro Rose. Ono of tho astonishing mllllnory fancies of tho year Is tho blue roso. Such a flower never sprouted on tho earth's surfaco, but built In shnded velvet, crimpy silk or ovon cloverly tinted muslin, it Is bowltchlng on tho summer hat of laco or mallno. Tho girl who likes to wear bluo and Is n-wcary of ragged robins nnd for-got-me uota greets tho bluo roso wltrt enthusiasm and uses It In piofuslon. Another bluo blossom which has mado Its appoaranco Is tho hyacinth, but It must bo used with discretion. An Imported hat In a peculiar shado, bordorlng on navy bluo, Is trlmniod with these hyacinths nnd ribbon which matches tho bloom. In a certain light, tho cntlro confection confec-tion shndos to bluo; turn It toward tho sun and it shows violet tliits. |