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Show m The Telephone Service. m The local telephone exchange Is nn- B lucstlonably the bummest proposl- a tlon in the State of Utah, and If there is a single person In this city using a 'phone wlio hasn't liccn tempted to swear at least thirty-two times in the b last year, we would like to sec the color of Ills hair. Tun ItKrum.icAN V has been importuned time and V again to roast the management to a V ilnlsh, but knowing the unfortunate j dillleultles attendant in most business- B cshas refrained. However, it would j seem that a j car's time should be suf- tlclent In which to remedy the dlltlcul- V ty, but Instead, the service is getting woisc all the time. Forbearance W ceases to be a virtue sometimes and the universal kicking is pretty good evidence that that time lias arrived. It is seldom that one tings for central and gets a icturn without consider- able delay, and the reply "line's busy" is so frequent that the subscriber doubts wlicllier tills is always tine. A call for a certain number results In pH being given something else, and once J the right number Is seemed, the sub- scrlbcr must be cutotT no less than a do.cn times befoie the conversation is finished. Inquiries of the operators sometimes elicit caustic replies, and in a general way the service is Just about as bad as it can be. We do not know who is at fault altogether, but S do know that such service is not tolcr- atcd clscvvhcic. Telephone service is practically worlliless unless it can be done with dispatch, and that the sub- scriber should be annoyed and badger- V cd Into an ill-humor by unnecessary delay each time the 'phone is used Is ridiculous. B If we iccall matters rightly, a com- b pcting line asked for admission to Lo- gan last year. That line is said to be J giving excellent service In Salt Lake City and Ogdcn. IT the Hell people pH are wise they will look into tills mat- V ter here before it becomes necessary to le tills company in. |