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Show I Government Regulation Solution of the Labor Problem During War By ANGUS McSWEEN Government action, including the formation of a definite labor policy - to be adhered to for the period of the war is necessary to solve the labor ! FbThi8 problem is now the most intricate and troublesome with which i the nation is confronted. Labor shortage is hampering preparations in all i directions. It is preventing the effective carrying out of the shipbuilding I plans of the government, reducing the output of munitions and Blowing i down the production of coal and other necessary materials. , I Labor is fighting for an extension of unionism. So far as this pro- vides only for the better organization of skilled and unskilled labor, it has I the sympathetic support of the government. Capital is demanding not the abolition of the organization but the I (unpen ion of organization rules which restrict production. S F-om the standpoint of governmental and public welfare it would m to be necessary that both capital and labor should make concessions, 5 and that until these concessions are made the difficulties under which the 3 -stioa is now struggling will continue. 1 regulations have been adopted by which highly skilled men will be exempted from the second army draft. This is expected to aid ta - keening the production of neceary industries at a high mark. 2 It will, however, only slightly affect for the better the generally rcc 2 ogni.ed shortage of skilled labor in all industries and t will not con-1 tribute eicept in the slightest degree to the solution of the problem of S increasing at once the supply and efficiency of labor. It is in connection with this latter proposition that the fight between 1 -abor and capital becomes a serious obstruction to the betterment of gen- 2 tral conditions. , So long u capital opposes an extension of the organization of labor, 1 labor is not likely to make any concession respecting the suspension of Ej union rules. t Hence the necessity of forcing both sides to make concessions and S this can ouf be done by th-3 government. |