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Show CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN UTAH WILL JOIN IN WAR CONFERENCE Undoubtedly one of the most important im-portant as well as the most interesting inter-esting events for Provo in connection connec-tion with this city's general activities toward the successful prosecution of plans for the winning of the war for America and its allies, is the coming wac conference, to be held in the the Provo tabernacle Saturday, May 18, whn Guy Stanton Ford, professor of history and dean of the graduate college of the University of Minnesota snd Lieut. Paul Perlford of the French nrmy, will occupy the platform for i discussions of war questions and j topics at both afternoon and evening sessions. I These two men a,t the earnest solicitation so-licitation of the Utah State Council of Defense, have been selected by the Council of National Defense for war conference work "in Utah because of their especial fitness. Vach nas a ringing message concerning ' the war and each is a most 'capable public ypeaker. The pfternoon session of the Prcvo war conference win be for war work-trs. work-trs. Lieut. PerigorX will tpeak on the question of "Aid from America." ilon. G-iy Stanton .Ford's subject wll be The afternoon session will start at 2:15 and the evening session at 8:15. Chairman Arch iM. Thurman of the county council of defense will preside In the afternoon and Hon. T. N. Taylor, Tay-lor, vice chairman of the state council of defense, will preside in the evening. Mayor iLeRoy Dixon, Chairman IL. Farnsworth, of the state council of defense, and Dr. W. C. iBbaugh, secretary secre-tary of the state council, will be present. pres-ent. - v." ' ' f The music will be- under the' direction direc-tion of Prof. J. R. Borhard and the tabernacle choir. Representatives from every c.iunty and nearly every town south of here will be In attendance. |